Page 52 of Exes and Big Os

“You’re not getting another lap dance,” she said while shaking her head.

Sam sat up in his leather reclining chair. “I wasn’t offered that special treatment.”

Meg’s eyebrows knitted, and she looked questioningly at him. “For a dying man, you sure have an impressive amount of energy.”

“I just want to live all my remaining life to the fullest.”

Liam’s rocketing blood pressure made him lightheaded. “I’m going to take a quick nap.” He leaned the chair back.

Callie ran a hand over his hair and down to his neck, giving a little rub.

Jonathan poked his head out of the flight cabin. “Captain Laurel, we’re ready to go.”

“Time to get you folks back to Omaha.” She leaned down to his ear, her lips brushing his skin. “I’ll stay in Omaha this weekend and go to the wedding with you.”

“Great.” Little excitement trailed through his voice even though he tried.

He’d never take the invite back, but he almost didn’t want to go to Britt’s wedding now. Life had changed in nearly seventy-two hours, and he didn’t want to go back to the dull existence he had before. But could he up and move from Omaha? Leave his family behind? The business? There were always possibilities, but at this moment he couldn’t trust Trent to make sure the company remained his second concern—behind Brittney and the baby, of course. He’d made a good argument that he was a family man, and now he needed to prove it.

Callie’s brows dipped inward. “Are you okay?”

“Just a little tired. I’ll get that nap in and be fine.”

She rubbed his neck again, and he closed his eyes. Her touch confiscated so much worry and replaced it with a peace he’d never feel again without her.

“I’m going to the wedding with Sam.” Meg sat on the arm of the chair Sam was in and he looked up at her.

Then it was decided. The brothers had dates to their sister’s wedding. He just wished he were more excited about the news.



Liam offered his house for the night to both Meg and Callie. Sam stayed there, too. Callie worried about her friend and her growing expectations. What future could a woman have with a dying man?

But they’re so cute together.

Sam gave Meg the attention she desired. She returned his actions with respect and almost obliviousness to the harsh truth. And they had fun, which counted for something in Callie’s mind, especially since she’d had a little pleasure herself.

The guys headed out to get Sam’s tuxedo from the shop, and Callie and Meg ran to the mall to get dresses for the wedding.

Callie didn’t know how to approach the subject. While they were in dressing rooms and she couldn’t see Meg’s response or reaction, she found the nerve. “Meg, you and Sam seem to be getting close.” She rolled her eyes and almost slapped herself.

“Is that really what you want to ask, Cal?”


“He’s dying.” She didn’t mean for it to come out so bluntly. “I mean, what happens if…”

“Callie, I know what I’m doing. Sam and I are having a good time. Nothing more. What about you and Liam?”

Fair was fair.

“I don’t know what I’m doing.”

Meg knocked on the dressing room door. “With the dress?”

“I wish.” Callie opened the door, and Meg’s green eyes lit up.