Page 44 of Exes and Big Os

“Hey, there’ll be another time.”

“I want you so bad.” The words flowered from her, bursting open in a bloom of both fear and happiness. Fear that it wouldn’t happen now and happiness that they would.

“For as perfect as this location is and the ambiance and all, maybe perfect doesn’t work for us.”

She laughed. “That’s probably true. Think about how we got here. The tempest of a storm. Maybe we just need to let things happen and when or if does, I can’t wait, Liam.”

His lips brushed hers as his hands held her face. “Me, too.”

She wasn’t tired, but Liam needed to spend time with Sam. She wouldn’t come between brothers, and it seemed they were having a little trouble settling back into being family.

They took their time getting to his door. He stepped outside to her door and shoved his hands in his jean pockets. “Can I take you on a date tomorrow?”

“Of course!” The words came out like a cheerleader’s chant. “I mean, I’d love that.”

“Until tomorrow.” Liam lowered his head, and she closed the distance. The kiss lingered softly. “Sweet dreams, Callie.”

Dreams were never as good as this kiss. And they never would be.



“Look who has the moves.” Sam rested on the sofa sipping from Callie’s glass what she hadn’t finished.

“What happened with you and Meg?”

“She has a migraine.”

“More than likely the start of a hangover.”

He rose to pour himself more to drink and returned with both the glass and the bottle in his hand. “Probably, but I like a woman who can drink and doesn’t give a shit who cares.”

“Sounds like you.”

“Liam, let’s get this out.” He set the bottle down hard. “I didn’t leave because of you. I didn’t leave because of Brittney. I did leave because of Dad. You did nothing wrong. I needed to be away from what was eating away at me.”

“I never thought you left because of me.”

“But you took some responsibility for not doing what you could to keep me, right?”

That didn’t need to be answered.

Sam’s jaw tightened. “Brother, you need to take less responsibility for what happens in other people’s lives and for what others do.”

He did that. He didn’t want to, but seeing those Liam loved hurting hurt him. He hated that he couldn’t take away their hurt, so he’d just do anything he could to prevent them failing or experiencing pain.

Liam sipped from his glass, the burn of the liquor clearing his thoughts. “Did you ever feel like Dad only wanted someone to take over the business?”

“Are you shitting me? Hell yes! How has it taken you this long to come to that conclusion?”

“I guess longer than it should’ve…”

“Liam, stop being who he wants. Start being who you want to be.”

Easier said than done, but Liam was ready to try. Tomorrow would be a start. He picked up the resort phone. “Hello, connect me to the spa, please. I’d like to book the King and Queen package for tomorrow.”

Sam slapped his back. “That’s a start.” And he walked to his room.