Page 120 of Nights of Obedience

“Don’t you think?”

Shit. Lucia had asked me a question. “Uh, I agree.” I had no idea what I had just agreed to.

A hand on my back saved me from continuing the conversation. “May I steal you for a second?” Ladon asked.

Lucia gave her commander a polite nod and turned away.

Ladon leaned in close, closer than should’ve been appropriate, but I didn’t have the strength to retreat. “Come with me.”

I followed him out of the tent, the chilly air stinging my cheeks as we walked.

“Where are we going?”

“If you’re going to fight, you need proper weapons.” He said it loud enough for passersby to hear. Nothing suspicious going on here.

As he dipped into a tent, I half expected him to wrap me in a tight embrace. This was the first night we’d voluntarily spent apart, and I was dying to have my hands on him.

To my surprise, the tent was actually filled with weapons. I scoffed, but he didn’t notice.

First, he tossed me a small leather jacket, which I pulled on. The hide looked to be dragon—flexible and difficult to puncture. Then he grabbed a black belt and a variety of knives. Then he picked up a slender sword and turned to face me. “This one should work best for you. It’s lightweight, but the blade is freshly sharpened. It’s a suitable length for your height as well.”

I was still staring at the sword when he wrapped the belt around my waist. I smiled as he tightened it and sheathed the knives.

“This isn’t practice,” he warned me. “Use your magic freely. Your powers work well at a distance. Only engage in direct combat if you must.”

He was so serious. I grinned. “You’re not going to tell me to stay behind?”

“No,” he said with a tone of indignation. “I believe in you.”

His answer surprised me. “Oh.”

“If that’s all then, let’s get going.”

“Hang on,” I said, grabbing his arm as he strode past. He looked where my hand held his jacket, but he didn’t pull away. “Is that it? You don’t want to say anything else?”

His throat bobbed as he swallowed. Then he released a heavy sigh. “I think it’s better if I don’t.”

I let go, feeling a bit dejected. Maybe he could leave his feelings behind in the depths of Murvort’s mountains, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t forget the way he’d opened up to me, nor the way his touch made my stomach twist with desire.

He took three steps toward the door before I shouted his name.


He turned around with a look of sorrow and longing. Before he could open his mouth, I ran and leapt into his arms, wrapping mine behind his neck. His lips parted for me and I licked the inside of his mouth, tasting him for what might be the last time.

I felt him reach behind me, gripping my thighs and hoisting me up. Then he slammed me against a tent post and devoured me, moaning and panting between frantic kisses.

I clung to his hair while he licked his way down my neck and to my chest. His hips writhed against mine, creating a friction that was sweet as sin. His hand roamed my body, cupping my breasts over top of my leather jacket.

More. I wanted more of him.

But suddenly he was dropping me to my feet, putting a small amount of space between us that might as well have been infinite. He held my cheeks and dropped his forehead to mine, still breathing heavily.

“I…I think I love—”

“Don’t,” I said abruptly, interrupting what sounded like a goodbye. “Don’t say it. After. Tell me after.”

Chapter Forty