Page 105 of Nights of Obedience


She turned toward me and the fire in her eyes was raging. “She can’t keep doing this.”

It was another evening without guests. We were taken to Reyna’s bedroom again, rather than the dining room or the drawing room. I silently thanked the gods for Emilie’s sake, knowing it was easier on her when there wasn’t a crowd.

Inhaling sharply, I steeled myself for what I would need to do. Serving Reyna like this made me sick to my stomach, but I would do it a hundred times if it meant saving Emilie from the hands of strangers.

The bedroom door thudded loudly as it closed, sealing us in with Reyna.

As usual, she was sipping a glass of wine in front of the fireplace. Her eyes were glazed over and I wondered how many glasses—or bottles—she’d had before our arrival.

“Well, don’t just stand there,” she said. “Get on the bed.”

Emilie and I exchanged a look before moving toward the canopy bed.

“Not you. Just Ladon,” Reyna said.

Emilie nervously looked from Reyna to me. I only gave her a curt nod, letting her know it was fine.

Of course it wasn’t fine. But I refused to anger Reyna right now. Not when I had seen her temper reach its breaking point. Certainly not when we were going to escape any day now.

Before I could lie on the bed, Reyna shouted again. “Clothes off.”

I stripped silently and sat on the end of the bed. Reyna stared at the fire a while longer, finishing her glass of wine while I waited, and Emilie shifted nervously.

I wished she wasn’t there at all. If Reyna was just going to make her watch…I wished she didn’t have to see. I didn’t want her to watch as I fucked someone else when the only person I wanted to fuck was Emilie.

Hopefully, she would look away once Reyna got started.

Setting her glass down, Reyna rose from her chair and made her way over to me. She was wearing a black robe similar to the ones she’d worn before. The only difference was this one had lace panels that allowed me to see her bare skin.

She pushed my shoulder, and I fell flat on my back, not bothering to resist. It was better if I didn’t. It would be over faster.

Climbing on top of me, she began to untie the silk ribbon around her waist, letting the robe fall open. From somewhere to my right, I heard Emilie inhale sharply.

Look away.

Reyna bent down, peppering my chest with kisses. Her hips gyrated against my cock, only the thin fabric of her panties separating us. I could already feel she was wet and yearning for me.

I felt nothing.

After the first few times she’d assaulted me, I’d forgiven myself for my body’s reaction. There was only so much I could do to resist the natural response to stimulation.

But today I felt nothing.

She ground against me, but I remained limp. Not even a single twitch, and I began to sense her frustration.

She sighed and spoke against my skin. “What’s wrong, Ladon? Don’t you want to have some fun?”

Her fingers wrapped around my shaft and even then, I didn’t give her the reaction she desired. Not as her fingernails gently scraped down my length. And not as she ran her tongue down my abdomen.

Huffing in annoyance, she sat up and stared down at me. “What is your problem today? What am I supposed to do with you if you can’t even get it up?”

I ignored my impulse to roll my eyes. As if the lack of arousal were my fault.

Beside me, I thought I heard Emilie chuckle. Reyna’s head snapped in her direction.

“And what are you laughing at?”