Page 125 of Nights of Obedience

Once I found a recognizable landmark, it was easy to find my way toward Reyna’s stage.

I didn’t run into any other obstacles on my way out, and when I finally reached the clearing Emilie and I had been dragged to on our first night in Murvort, Reyna stood waiting, flanked by her two loyal guards, Luther and Tristan.

She seemed a bit surprised to see me. No doubt she’d expected her hound to walk out of the maze instead of me. Too bad she’d never see it again.

I smirked. Vengeance would taste sweet.

She folded her hands in front of her while her two guards stood at attention, waiting for her command to kill or otherwise disarm me.

Reyna’s eyes narrowed, and we stood staring each other down for several long moments. She tilted her head with an irked expression and my grin only grew.

I’d expected this. I knew if I confronted Reyna, she’d rely on her magical influence. I suspected she was now realizing those chains tying me to her were now gone.

“Something the matter?” I taunted.

Her face twitched with irritation, but she masked it with practiced ease. “Of course not. I’m so delighted that you’ve returned to me. Couldn’t stay away for too long, could you?”

I matched her insidious energy. “We were having so much fun out on the battlefield, Reyna. I thought you might like to join us. I wouldn’t want you to miss out on all that bloodshed. You should see the way your soldiers scream—beg for mercy in their last moments.”

“Thank you for the courteous invitation, but I’m afraid I’ll have to decline. I wouldn’t want to get my gown dirty. It’s far too pretty for that, don’t you think?”

“The dress is beautiful,” I said, and her eyes brightened. “You’ll make a lovely corpse.”

Her friendly façade melted into rage, and lightning cracked above our heads. “I will have your head on a platter, you inferior lordling.”

Her right hand twitched, and I caught sight of Luther readying a knife. I was too fast for him and threw mine with pinpoint accuracy. It lodged in his palm and he dropped his blade with a sharp outcry.

“Don’t be a useless imbecile,” she seethed. “Grab him!”

Tristan moved swiftly to the edge of the platform and jumped down, sword in hand. I took a fighting stance, ready to take him on. His first strike was met with clanging steel, and sparks flew as our blades clashed and skidded. He was strong and I could tell he’d had a substantial amount of training. If I hadn’t spent the past few months imprisoned, he would’ve been no match for me. But since I had, I struggled to match his power.

As I was engaged in a fight with Tristan, Luther came up behind me. I saw him out of the corner of my eye and sent a blast of dirt his way, blinding him in the process. He roared again, and his anger fueled me forward.

I skillfully maneuvered a move that I’d mastered as a child. My trainer back then had been so impressed that I was able to perfect the move so young. I spent three whole months showing off to anyone who would watch.

Now the muscle memory took over. My sword connected with Tristan’s and I slid the blade along his until it almost reached his hand. I flicked it, and his wrist twisted unnaturally and he dropped his weapon as I swirled mine in a large circle.

He didn’t miss a beat, though. He punched my jaw, and I heard what sounded like a bone cracking. Gods, that fucking hurt. I didn’t have time to think about the burning pain, though. I dodged his next punch and when he swung his fist again, I swung my sword, completely severing his arm from his body.

He screamed as blood sprayed, drenching his shirt and mine. While he was distracted by his missing limb, I raised my weapon again and sliced across his shoulders, splitting his neck open until his head rolled off and fell back. Tristan’s body hit the ground with a booming thud.

Thunder echoed in the skies, mirroring the sound of his lifeless figure collapsing. I caught a glimpse of Reyna, and her eyes were sparkling red and orange. Defeating one guard was blissful, but seeing Reyna in such a fit—that was ecstasy.

Luther had managed to clear the dirt from his eyes and rounded on me with a renewed sense of fury. His hands rose and with them, the misty fog that lingered over the hedges seemed to grow, moving closer toward us and thickening until I could hardly see a thing.

I squinted, barely catching a flicker of his black clothing before he dove forward. I threw up a wall of solid earth to block his attack, but he shattered through it with a roar.

His hands wrapped around my waist, sending us both flying to the ground. We tumbled until we came to a stop—him underneath me. I landed a good punch and then a second before I squeezed my hands around his neck, watching as his eyes bulged in fear. I could feel his pulse throbbing beneath my fingers.

Lightning cracked through the mist, and Reyna descended from her safety on the platform. The air around her cracked with electric energy and I could feel it surrounding me. One look into her eyes and I knew she was about to unleash everything she had.

I stood as quickly as I could and began to run. Strikes of lightning rained down, illuminating the misty area. It was the most eerie, unsettling phenomenon I’d ever witnessed. It was incredibly difficult to dodge each of her strikes. I used my power to send up shields of dirt wherever I could, but they quickly crumbled as soon as the lightning struck them.

With a quick glance, I tossed my last dagger in Reyna’s direction. It struck her right arm, and she screamed with dangerous rage. She snarled at the sight of blood staining her fine gown. She was distracted, and it was exactly what I needed. I spun and ran toward her with my sword extended. It was now or never.

Before I could get too close, she spotted me and sent another bolt of lightning right toward my chest. I ducked and sent a mass of dirt in her direction. It rose up like the waves in the sea and crested over top of her. She screamed again as she tried to shield herself from the falling ground.

I was close enough to strike now, so I swung my sword at her throat. She dodged it just in time and I was only able to nick her chest. Even the smallest amount of ruby red blood on her skin made her glow with fury.