Page 60 of Sever

He smiles wickedly and sweeps his arm in a grand gesture. “This is all me, beautiful.”

I close my eyes and breathe deep hoping the nausea will pass. When I reopen them, Kane watches me curiously, his head tilted to the side. “Surely you must have had some idea.”

I didn’t. Because I was blindsided and now I feel the ultimate fool.

I’ve been so consumed in finding some inkling of happiness that I became ignorant to what was in front of me. And that was allowing myself to be wined, dined and fucked by a human trafficker.

“How could you do all this… they’re just girls… they’re—”

“They’re a story for another day,” he interrupts. “But first, don’t let me get in the way of what was already happening in here. Shawn asked you a question, and I want to hear your answer.”

Kane’s stare doesn’t break from mine. Did he know this day would come? He seems to take pleasure in my discomfort and cares nothing for my sadness or humiliation. “Answer your husband, Blythe. Do you still love him?”

I look at little innocent Toby draped over his arm, oblivious to the danger around him. Would he be so cruel as to…

“Blythe. I won’t ask you again.”

I swallow hard and say my truth, “Yes. I still love Shawn. I’ve never stopped.”

Kane sighs, and I can’t interpret what it means. Pulling his cell from his pocket, he spends a moment to find what he needs before crossing the room to Shawn. Kane holds the cell so Shawn can watch the screen. Sam and I exchange a glance. The fear in her eyes does nothing to comfort me.

There’s silence as Shawn watches whatever’s playing out, his face turning a deep red, teeth clenched in rage. He pulls on the rope like a madman needing an escape, his legs kicking out at Kane who appears indifferent.

“You fucker,” Shawn seethes, spittle flying from his mouth. In all the years I’ve known him, I’ve never seen my husband this angry. “You planned this all from the fucking start.”

“I did,” Kane confirms. “And you all fell for it to satisfy your own needs.”

He points to Samantha. “You out of desperation.”

He moves to Shawn. “You out of greed.”

Then he turns to me, eyes softening but still dark and soulless. “And, you. Because you’re so fucking beautiful when you’re vulnerable.”

He holds the screen so I can see what made Shawn so mad. I gasp in horror, my stomach lurching as I watch black and white CCTV footage of Kane and me in the hallway outside my apartment. The camera captures our intimate moment, his fingers thrusting inside me while I’m trapped between him and the door. It also captures the moment where I climax, my head lolling against his shoulder in ecstasy.

“Fucking Christ, Blythe!” I hear Shawn curse. “I told you to stay away from him. I told you he’d take great pleasure in destroying you.”

Kane has the audacity to laugh. “And destroy her, I did. Many times.”

“You fucking asshole,” Shawn bellows, muscles straining against the rope. “I’ll fucking kill you. I swear to God, I’ll—”

Kane leans down to meet his face. “If I was fucking threatened by you, I’d have killed you a long time ago.”

Tears drip from my jaw, splashing onto my thighs. “Why are you doing this, Kane?” I barely manage, my throat constricting.

“I didn’t do anything. I simply presented job offers that you all took. How you conducted yourselves in that timeframe has nothing to do with me.”

“You’ve lied and manipulated us all.”

His smile is like the Devil. “Welcome to business, sweetheart.”

“What do you want me to do with all these assholes?” Joseph asks from the door.

Kane turns his back to us and talks quietly to his men. I strain to hear but am unable to make out a single word. Will this be the last time I see Shawn and Sam alive?

I look to my sister whose bottom lip is trembling—it’s all my fault she’s in this situation. I should have left her alone and not interfered. Now I’ve put her life in danger.

“I’m sorry,” I mouth through sobs.

She nods, pursing her lips to stop a fresh wave of tears before mouthing, “Me, too.”

I turn to Shawn, and while he’s reined in his rage, his glistening eyes speak of his suffering. He’s just seen footage of his wife cheating on him with the one person he despises. He isn’t judging me for the heartache I’ve caused, for he too played a role in this mess, but I see his hurt and that’s worse than rage.

The two guards spring into action as Kane exits, they round my chair and untie my ropes. Samantha grows panicked, not wanting us to be separated. Shawn fights his own restraints, his wide eyes remaining glued to mine.

The men hook an arm through mine and escort me from the room. I hear Shawn shouting, but I’m in such a state of shock I can’t comprehend anything, and soon his voice blends in with the music. They lead me down the narrow hall lined with the same blood-red patterned wallpaper. The gold sconces are dim, and I feel like a lamb being led to the slaughter.