Page 49 of You're Mine

“I’ve missed you,” she tells me, laying her hand on my arm. I want to shrug her off, but I don’t have the strength to do this.

I try to gather my thoughts, try to make sense of this situation, but I’m lost right now, and my head feels as if a hammer is repeatedly hitting it. I ended things with this woman a long time ago. She shouldn’t be here.

“We’ve been over for a very long time, Lily. You need to leave,” I tell her. I want my words to come out harsh, but my voice is too soft.

She reaches up and brushes my hair away from my sweating forehead. Her touch is repulsive. No other woman but Sasha should have her hands on me. I try to push her away, but can’t find the strength to do so.

“We aren’t through, Callan, that’s what you don’t seem to understand,” she says, a purr in a voice that grates on my nerves. “Life has a way of coming around.” Her words hang in the air. She’s delusional; she might be dangerous. Am I seriously being stalked? I’ve heard of this happening but never in my wildest imagination did I think it could happen to me. I’m too smart for it . . . or maybe not as Lily seems to currently have all the power.

“Leave,” I say again, but I’m starting to see stars. There’s no way I’m going to be able to enforce this. I’m at this woman’s mercy right now. I hear her laughter that I used to find charming. I don’t know what I was thinking. She’s a monster, always has been, but I didn’t care. She was simply there to scratch an itch. I was a womanizer, but she knew the score.

“Come on, Callan. Let’s get you home,” she says. I blink several times as I try to force her away. But she takes my arm and I can’t do anything but allow her to drag me with her.

“What’s happening?” I demand.

“You drank too much. We need to get you home,” she says, her arm wrapped in mine. I can barely see through my blurry vision. I’m stumbling along next to her, though I don’t want to. I want to fight her, but I can’t get away.

“Let me go,” I tell her. She simply laughs again, then I’m pushed into a vehicle. I fall into the seat and try to get back up, but it doesn’t happen. I feel movement and must pass out, because we’re suddenly back at the hotel.

“Callan, are you okay?” Mark asks when Lily manages to get me out of the vehicle and leads me inside. I try to answer but can’t find my voice. I hear Lily’s tinkling laughter. It grates again on my nerves.

“He had a little too much to drink. I’m getting him to his room,” Lily says. I want to scream for help, but can’t.

“Thanks. I’ve never seen him like this before,” Mark says. And then we’re moving again. I try to dig in my feet, but can’t stop the forward movement. She leads me into the elevator and stars dance in my eyes as the doors close. In a blink they’re open again.

Lily is digging in my pocket, then the door to my room is being opened. We move forward again and I’m falling. I land on the bed. I still can’t find my voice. Lily’s hands are on my pants and panic fills me. Darkness overtakes my vision. I want to get away, but all I can do is surrender to the black.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


I’m exhausted as I step away from the resort site, the cool air greeting me with a refreshing breeze that helps keep me awake a little longer. Everything’s going perfectly, the resort is progressing quicker than I ever imagined possible. When money isn’t an issue, it’s amazing how fast things can get done. As happy as I am, though, I need to find some balance.

I’ve never worked a job before that I’ve loved so much, that’s filled me with such pride. I have a hard time leaving. Only Callan can drag me away. My desire to be with him is greater than my desire to work. I do tend to work a lot, but rarely ever this late.

I glance at my watch and wince when I see it’s already past midnight. I was supposed to meet Callan at the bar, but I messaged Robert when I couldn’t get ahold of Callan and found out he left hours earlier. I don’t mind. I’m done socializing for the day. I want to be alone with Callan. I could go back to my place and see him in the morning, but I miss him.

I make my way to the hotel. I know he wants to move in with me, but I’ve hesitated. He still has his place in Seattle so it’s not like we’d be totally living together, but it’s a step that makes all of this so real. We haven’t said we love each other yet. I know I’m in love with him, but it’s a big commitment. I’ve never spoken those words to another person. When I say the words I want them to mean something, I want them to mean forever. Maybe I’m waiting for him to say the words first. It’s only been a couple of months for us. I don’t need to rush this.

As I near the hotel, the sound of the wind rustling leaves around me and the waves hitting the sandy shores calms me. It’s cooler tonight. I’ve never been scared walking alone in Seaville as crime is virtually nonexistent. Callan’s home is in Seattle, but I can’t live there. I love the safety of my community. I don’t think I can give it up even for love.

The hotel looms ahead and I smile, anticipation filling me. The moon is full, lighting my way as the stars sparkle above. I search for a falling star, knowing what my wish will be. I enter the lobby with Callan’s extra keycard and am relieved when I don’t see anyone. I don’t want to chat, I just want to reach Callan and get lost in his arms.

I ride the elevator up. I normally take the stairs, but exhaustion is washing over me. I’m sure I’ll find the energy to make love, but stairs are too much. I want to collapse into bed next to Callan and tell him all about the progress we’re making while he holds me close. The elevator dings and I step out and make my way down the short hallway to his door. I slip in the keycard and quietly enter the dark room. Disappointment fills me when I realize he’s already asleep. I smile though. It won’t take long to wake him... in the best of ways. My mouth waters as I picture taking him in my mouth and feeling him grow hard. I love how responsive he is to me. It makes me feel beautiful, desired, and so many other good emotions.

I begin to strip away my clothes. I need a shower before I climb into bed. My shirt is off when I hear a click and the bedside lamp comes on. I turn with a smile. Maybe Callan will join me and wash my back. My exhaustion falls away as excitement fills me.

I look at the bed, then freeze as my blood turns to ice. Callan is spread out on the bed naked with a stunning woman draped over him. Horror fills me as his eyes open, and he blinks, looking drunk and a bit disoriented. The woman is looking at me with a smug expression that quickly turns into a frown. I don’t know what in the hell to think.

I nearly double over as the air leaves me. This is worse than getting punched. Disappointment and utter sadness fill me. Never have I expected something like this to happen. If he was finished with us, I’d expect him to tell me. But we were texting today, made love this morning. This makes absolutely no sense.

For a few solid seconds I can’t move, can’t breathe, can’t focus. I’m trapped, not knowing what’s happening. No one speaks. Callan barely moves. He’s not jumping up offering me lies. The woman is glaring at me, but she’s also wearing a look of satisfaction in her evil eyes.

“Wh... what is going on?” I manage to gasp out. Callan blinks at me, as if he’s trying to bring me into focus. “Did you get drunk and bring a woman home with you?” My words are barely above a whisper. I don’t care if he blames it on alcohol, it’s totally unacceptable.

“Sasha...” he slurs, but his words stop. He can’t speak. He looks over at the woman next to him in confusion, then slowly turns his head back toward me.

I can’t look at him anymore so I glare at the woman I’ve never seen before. She looks like the cat who just ate the canary. I know this type of woman. She doesn’t care if she destroys a relationship. I don’t blame her, though. Callan’s a grown man and can choose not to cheat. Even if a man threw himself at me, I’d have no desire to be with him, not when I’m in love with Callan.