Page 45 of You're Mine

Chapter Twenty-Four


Callan and I step into the town hall, a buzz of anticipation in the air. Today’s a big deal for Callan. His hand grips mine while we make our way to the front of the crowded room. This decision will change our community. Where I once thought it would change it in a terrible way, I now believe it will enhance our town.

Building this resort on the outskirts of town could have negative connotations, but I don’t think this will happen. His design is beautiful, and it isn’t a thousand-room resort. It’s an intimate group of buildings that will bring in a few people at a time. We have a lot to offer the world and I’m okay with sharing.

I take my seat in the front row and glance up at Callan as he steps behind the podium. He wanted me to come up with him, but this is his project. The people in town know I’m with him, but this resort is all him. As soon as he’s in front of the mic, the room goes quiet and everyone faces forward to hear what he has to say.

“Thank you all for being here,” Callan begins, his voice resonating with confidence and empathy. “As you’re all aware, I’d like to build a resort here. We’ve secured land, and have adjusted the plans to fit this beautiful location. Our hope is this will not only benefit the town economically, but enrich the community in ways you all will be a part of.”

There are a few murmurs as he continues highlighting what his plans are, but for the most part the residents are leaning forward, hanging on to every word he says. I see the shift in the crowd from suspicious to curious. This might just happen. That means he’ll be around. I don’t feel guilty about wanting this anymore; the resort will be a good thing.

The questions begin to pour in as soon as he’s done speaking, residents voicing their concerns and curiosities. Some are worried about the environment, some the influx of tourists disrupting their lives, some wanting to apply for jobs. Callan easily answers each question, and there are very few follow-ups. He keeps his answers concise and assuages the concerns. His dedication to this project speaks volumes about how much he’s learned about our community.

“What are you going to do to keep from destroying the natural beauty of the land?” Mr. Carter, the man who yelled at him at the library, demands.

Callan smiles at the man like they’re old friends, one more thing I love about Callan. “We’ve commissioned a team of experts to ensure minimal disruption to the ecosystem. We don’t want to destroy anything, but live within it so visitors can see the untouched beauty of this place,” Callan tells him.

“I don’t see how you can do that,” Mr. Carter grumbles.

“I’ve changed a lot, coming here,” Callan says. “I see the beauty of Seaville and my aim is to coexist with nature, to nestle the resort among the natural foliage, preserving this place for generations to come.” A few people clap at this. He’s won the hearts of our townspeople.

“How many jobs will it bring?” Mrs. Jones, the mayor’s wife, asks.

Callan smiles at her, but I see he’s a little leery of her after all of the rumors. I have to fight laughter. I see the gleam in her eyes. She wouldn’t mind getting Callan alone. It’s too bad for her that he’s taken. I will punch her out if she tries to get close to him.

“That’s the best part. We’ll hire locally for all aspects of this project. We’re going to use local resources, local people for employment and all contracts, and have the community involved in this from the second it’s approved. I want this to be our resort, where the entire town of Seaville can have pride and love for this project. I’ve already spoken to Milly, who’s agreed to do murals if this is approved. I’ve seen her sculptures and artwork all over town and know her vision can make the resort magnificent.”

I didn’t know he’d spoken to her, but I look over at the thirty-year-old woman who’s beaming. This project has the potential of taking her gorgeous talent nationwide and she knows it. She’s certainly a yes vote. She’s practically bouncing in her seat. Several of the people in the room nod in approval.

The meeting progresses with more questions asked and answered. I swell with pride in our community for being so thorough. Callan’s smart. Instead of the community fighting him, they’re now on board. This last disaster he faced has changed him.

When the time comes to a vote, there’s an overwhelming sea of hands in the air. Our town has spoken, and the project is approved by the city council. We’re ready to embrace Callan and his vision, and to bring a bit of the twenty-first century to our small beach town. I hope this doesn’t change us too much, but I don’t think it will.

Callan beams at the crowd. “Thank you for your trust. I promise you won’t regret it, and nothing will change. We’ll do this together,” he tells everyone.

The meeting closes, and people stand up and talk amongst themselves as Callan makes his way toward me, looking like he’s walking on clouds. He’s happy, and I’m very pleased for him. He stops in front of me as I stand.

“That went well,” I tell him.

“Are you happy?” he asks. I can see that my answer matters to him.

“I am, Callan. You’ve convinced me this is a good thing. I can’t imagine how much work you have in store for you now.”

His smile grows. “I’m just the one with the vision. I hire talented people to carry that out,” he says.

“Well, from what I’ve seen so far, you hire well.”

“I do,” he says. “Which brings me to my newest hire. Sasha, you love this town. You know more about Seaville and what it needs than anyone else. I want you to be the coordinator for this. You’ll be in charge of all hires, all final decisions. You’ll work with a team, including me, but having this position, which has an excellent salary, you’ll be assured that nothing goes off track.”

My heart soars. He told me a few days ago he wants me to work for him, but I wasn’t sure if those were simply words spoken out of passion rather than a confidence in my ability. His words strike a chord within me though, igniting a spark of excitement and determination. I want to do this, want to be entrusted with the critical role in shaping the future of our community. I’m both humbled and eager to get started. I don’t hesitate.

“I’m not sure how good I’ll be, and if I can’t do it, I’ll step down, but yes, I want the job,” I tell him. Not only could this be my passion in life, but it means a lot of one-on-one meetings with him. We might be able to do them naked.

Callan holds out his hand and we shake on it, which makes me laugh. His confidence in me is the best gift he could ever give. I’ve always been a person who loves a challenge, and this will certainly be the challenge of a lifetime.

“Well, what are you going to do first?” he asks. My brain’s already spinning.