Page 29 of You're Mine

“Let’s make a bet. I bet you blow him off within an hour,” I say.

“I think she’ll last for two hours with that one. He’s hot enough to keep her attention that long,” Emily says. We shake hands and each pull out a twenty, handing them over to Jess. “Be honest and let us know who wins.”

She rolls her eyes, but then her gaze goes right back to the man beside Callan. They’re getting closer and my heartbeat picks up. I’m already hot, but with Callan’s eyes on me, I’m boiling. He arrives at our table and the two of us stare for a few moments.

“Wow, I think the temperature in here just raised about a hundred degrees,” Emily says, finally breaking the spell this man has over me. I look away.

“Yep, I’m feeling it,” the man next to Callan says.

“This is my brother Zach who came down uninvited,” Callan says. “Zach, this is Sasha.”

“So you’re the woman putting my brother through the wringer. It’s a true pleasure to meet you,” Zach tells me, holding out his hand. I instantly relax, liking the man. Anyone with a sense of humor is on my good list.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Zach.” He’s certainly more of a charmer than his brother.

“I’m Jess,” Jess says, quickly stepping in front of Zach and giving him a flirty smile. “I’m glad you decided to come.”

“And this is Emily,” I say as Emily smiles at the men. She’s a whole lot of fun when it’s us girls, but a little more reserved around strangers.

Now that the men are here, one of the female bartenders quickly steps up and takes their order, her flirty eyes all over both men. I suppress the need to roll my eyes and order more drinks for me and the girls. I might as well take advantage of the situation.

Jess doesn’t hold back on her flirting with Zach, and he seems to be eating up the attention. All men do when Jess gives them her full assault. She’s beautiful, perky, and confident. I love my besties. I can’t imagine going through this world without them. I have to give Zach some credit, because he matches her flirting step for step, bantering with ease.

I look over at Emily, who chuckles. We know our friend well. She’ll eat this man alive. It will be a great show to watch. The men stand with us for awhile, but with a few drinks in me, I need to dance. Soon, a couple of bold women approach and practically drag Callan and Zach away. I try not to let it bother me as Jess, Emily, and I move to the dance floor and let loose.

We aren’t looking to grind on anyone. We just love to let the music flow through us and let go of all of the worldly issues we deal with on a daily basis. Most of the men in town know they don’t have a shot, so they don’t even try anymore. It’s nice. The next hour passes as I sneak glances Callan’s way. Every once in a while his eyes meet mine, but I quickly turn away. He’s nothing to me. I have to remember that. I’m not on the clock tonight.

The girls and I move to the table and have another drink. Our buzz is quickly wearing off, and I want to feel something. Callan isn’t far away when Heidi approaches him, her long red nails instantly on his arm. I want to claw her eyes out. Everyone in town knows she’ll bend over for anyone who so much as blinks at her. Callan’s smiling at her and I don’t like it one little bit.

There’s a lull in the music and I can’t help but overhear her conversation with him. It’s like nails on a chalkboard. “I’ve been watching you all night, Sexy,” she purrs, her practiced pout and sultry voice on full force. “I’d love to take you home with me.”

My blood boils when Callan grins at her. Who does this woman think she is? Who in the hell does Callan think he is? It’s not like we’re a couple, but this is my town. He just slept with me. Is he really going to go home with another woman right in front of me? I shouldn’t care. I tell myself I don’t care. I’m well aware I’m lying to myself. I care a lot.

“She’s such a slutty bitch,” I harshly whisper to my friends who giggle.

“We all know who Heidi is,” Emily says. “I don’t think Callan’s foolish enough to fall for her fake charm. He’s been fun tonight.”

“She’s gorgeous and all the men fall for it,” I say.

“Nope. I’m with Emily on this one. He won’t fall for it,” Jess assures me.

I sigh. “It’s not like I want to take him home anyway.” The thought makes me sad. Why in the heck can’t I get out of my own way?

I have to fight not rising and throwing my drink in Heidi’s face, so it fills me with joy when Callan extricates himself from Heidi’s grasp and walks away. I let out the breath I was holding.

“Dance with me,” Joe, one of my neighbors, demands as he grabs my hand and pulls me from the chair. Joe’s full of mischief so I’m sure he’s up to no good. I’m irritated enough by all of the women flirting with Callan that I may be up for some trouble of my own.

I follow Joe onto the dance floor as a slow number begins. He pulls me in close and I give him a quizzical look. We’ve never even flirted, we’re just good friends.

“Jealousy always wakes a man up,” he whispers, making me laugh.

“You’re terrible, Joe. I don’t want to make Callan jealous,” I tell him, not even trying to pretend I don’t know what he’s talking about.

“The way the two of you have been undressing each other with your eyes, I think you’re wrong about that. The boys and me have a bet to which one of you break first. My money’s on Callan so I thought I’d speed things up. I have a big bar tab and I want my buddies to pay it.”

This makes me throw my head back and laugh. I really do love this town. It’s fun to grow up with people and make real connections. We flick each other a lot of garbage, but we’re truly here for each other when it matters.

I hug Joe tight and enjoy the music as he expertly sways me across the dance floor. For a cowboy he sure has some good moves. I can’t believe a woman hasn’t snatched him up. I guess a few have tried, but he’s a romantic and always says he wants the real deal. The song isn’t finished when I feel a hand on my arm, and I’m suddenly tugged away from Joe. I look up and see my friend grinning. He then holds up his fingers and rubs them together, showing me he’s just won his bet.