Page 25 of You're Mine

Making my way down the winding back road of my small town, heading away from the beach, my mind whirls with a mixture of excitement and a tad bit of guilt. My morning started out fantastic. A girl doesn’t realize how much she needs an orgasm until she’s screaming in pleasure. I guess you forget how great they are until you have another one. It’s sort of like Oreo’s. We all know they’re great, but we forget how great until we have them in front of us with a cold glass of milk.

However, I’ve never been a fling kind of girl. I don’t sleep with random men, and certainly don’t get into affairs I know aren’t going to last. I may not be looking for a long-term commitment, but I like to know a person and respect them before they see me naked and panting.

That’s why I feel a little guilty over my morning romp. However, it was so damn good I may have to change my mind and allow myself a few flings. But how is a girl to know how great it is until it happens? I’d surely regret it if I had a fling that was terrible. I like sex to have meaning. I never want it to be something I don’t take seriously. I applaud those who can have it without emotion, I just don’t happen to be one of them.

I grin as Callan rides next to me. He’s been awfully quiet since he came back with breakfast and coffee and we began our journey to our next stop. He doesn’t know what he’s in for today. I might be pushing the envelope a little with this one, but it makes me feel better, so that’s really what matters, isn’t it?

“What’s with the evil grin?” he asks. I jump in my seat. We haven’t spoken for a bit, and I’ve been so lost in my thoughts it’s almost odd to hear another voice besides the one in my own head.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Mm-hmm. We’ve only known each other for a few days, but I’m already starting to read you like a book,” he tells me.

I laugh. I can’t help it. I might be feeling slightly guilty, but I’m really enjoying my time with Callan. I fear I might actually miss him when he’s gone. If I stopped protesting the resort, he’d probably be around a heck of a lot.

This thought gives me more guilt. I can’t let my lust-starved brain ruin my amazing community. The sex is almost worth it, but I have principles. I might need to keep reminding myself of this, especially after a few more days with him. I’m determined not to have sex again, but I might fail on this mission. I can barely be within spitting distance of him without wanting to rip his clothes off. I’m strong, though, so we’ll see if my brain or my hormones win out.

“I think you’re going to enjoy the next tour stop,” I tell him. “It really showcases what this community is all about.”

“From the look on your face, I’m not going to be having so much fun, but I’m not afraid,” he says. This makes me smile bigger.

We’re on our way to a chicken farm that’s been here for so long I have no idea when it was established. I get all of my eggs from them because the chickens truly are free range. They aren’t locked up in tiny little cages unable to move. They get to roam free, chase after unsuspecting visitors and live their best lives. I’m not too big a fan of the roosters running around. Those creatures can get vicious.

We pull up to the farm and Callan looks ahead with a bit of disgust. I have to suppress a laugh. There are three fire trucks here and about a dozen men and women chasing chickens all over the place. It looks like quite the fun already.

“What in the world are we doing?” Callan asks, not opening his door.

“They’re doing a Burn to Learn today so the chickens have to be gathered and moved for safety,” I innocently tell him.

“I’m perfectly content to skip this location,” he says. I look over at him. At least he’s not wearing the suit he wore on his first day, but he’s still in expensive jeans, a nice shirt that probably cost more than I want to know, and pristine shoes. I don’t feel even a little guilty that he’ll most likely have to burn the entire outfit. If he’s determined to do business in our small community, he’ll have to learn to dress more appropriately. We’re far from Seattle.

“We better get out there. It looks like they can use some help,” I tell him. I open my door and hop down. He reluctantly joins me. I walk up to the fire chief who’s supervising everything as he stands next to John, the farmer who owns this place.

“What can we do to help?” I ask.

“Hello, Sasha. We’ve got about half the chickens safe and sound, but some of these guys are putting up a real fight,” Chief Mitchel says. He then takes a look at Callan and grins.

“I don’t know if we should send you out there. Looks like this lady already beat you up,” he says. My grin grows even bigger.

I’m certainly not a violent person, but the black eye Callan’s sporting is all his own fault. He’s the one who startled me into ramming the back of my head into his face. He’s gonna take a lot of ribbing over that one.

“Never mess with a feisty girl,” Callan says, shrugging it off.

“That’s for sure,” Farmer John says. “One time I was trying to talk to my wife in the kitchen while she was cooking. I was following too closely behind her and she opened a cupboard door right into my face. Smacked me good. She did feel bad and made my favorite blackberry cobbler, so the hit was well worth it.”

I laugh at this and Callan gives the man a smile. We chat a few more seconds and then we’re off to catch chickens. I watch how out of place Callan looks as he chases down a particularly unhappy chicken, his arms flailing as he tries to corral the squawking bird who seems to be chewing him out.

“Come on, Bird, it’s not like this is fun for me. I’m trying to save your damn life,” Callan grumbles. The chicken runs right between his legs, and Callan twists too fast and ends up falling on his butt right into the mud, his clothes taking a beating and his shoes no longer looking so pretty.

“Need some help, cowboy?” I call out, unable to keep the amusement from my tone. He shoots me a determined look.

“I’ve got this,” he says. This man doesn’t like to lose. I can see him still here chasing the same bird hours from now.

One of the fire department guys rushes past with an angry chicken in his arms, then gratefully drops it off in the containment area. These birds aren’t used to being corralled. They’ll probably chase all of us when they’re freed again.

We spend the next two hours chasing chickens, all of us slipping in the mud and chicken poop as the birds, which some say aren’t that bright, seem to outsmart us at every turn. Some of the firefighters are setting up for the burn, while the rest are having a blast running around. I’m actually having far more fun than I thought I would. Callan even seems far less horrified the longer we’re here.

Eventually we get all of the birds safely tucked away, and it’s time for the burn. I love watching Burn to Learns. The firemen get valuable training, and buildings that have lived past their prime get safely removed. It’s a win-win for all involved.