Page 17 of You're Mine

“You know it,” Sasha says.

“The girls and I are driving all over on a hunt for some rich men to marry, aren’t we girls?” Eileen says. Her friends giggle in response as they raise their glasses in the air and click them.

“Yes we are,” Vivian says. Their voices are a bit slurred. I hope they aren’t driving home. It’s bad enough they’re on the golf cart, endangering unsuspecting players. I’m sure the townspeople are used to diving out of the way when these three spicy ladies are around.

“Well, I wish you the very best luck with that,” Sasha says with a laugh.

“This man is single. How do you feel about older ladies?” Martha asks as she winks at me. I burst out laughing.

“You’d make a fine wife,” I tell her, winking back. She blushes and giggles some more.

“Well, we better get going. This rain is going to chase all of the men away,” Eileen says before she backs up the cart and spins around, nearly losing one of her companions. I wince as I watch them drive away.

Sasha turns to me with a smile and a shrug. “My aunt’s quite the character,” she says. She’s not apologizing.

“She’s certainly a one of a kind woman. I like her,” I say, meaning it.

We resume our game, and I’m amused by the character of this place. It makes me want to build more than ever before. I’ve never been to a place like Seaville before, and I want more of it. I don’t count being here as a child because that was a long time ago.

A few sprinkles of rain begin as we finish the eighteenth hole, Sasha the clear winner. She gets her shot in, then jumps up and down with joy.

“Oh, you’re in trouble now, Mr. Big Shot,” she says as she clutches her club in her hands above her head and starts singing, We Are the Champions. I shake my head, shocked I’ve lost. I can’t remember the last time that happened. “I have the perfect day in mind.” I have no idea what she means, but I know I have every right to be afraid. A bet is a bet, though, and I won’t try to get out of my punishment.

As she jumps around, the sky opens, unleashing a torrential downpour. I make a quick dive for the golf cart, but Sasha stands there, a beaming smile on her face. She starts spinning around and begins dancing as she continues singing.

Who in the hell is this woman? Her non-melodic voice and laughter ring through the air as the rain soaks her. She’s the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen. I can’t take my eyes off of her as she celebrates the rain like she celebrates everything else in her life. She’s in her own world, most likely forgetting I’m even here.

Now, in this moment, I know I must have her. No matter what happens with this deal, Sasha will be mine. She has no clue the hunger she’s woken in me, but now that my mind’s made up there’s no going back. I immediately begin to plan.

Chapter Eight


It seems nearly every day I live is the best day of my life. This happens when you’re a genuinely happy person. Since I love living free, and loving big, I’m happy, and every new adventure seems to be better than the last.

Today is added to the best day of my life list. I’ve had so much fun, much more fun than I could’ve imagined, hanging out with Mr. Corporation. He really loosened up today, laughed quite often, and we’ve had fun playing golf.

Standing in the warm rain, dancing, and celebrating my victory, I can’t stop smiling. I’m soaked all of the way through and my miniscule clothes are offering zero protection against the growing rain... and I don’t care one little bit.

“Sasha, we’ve got to get out of here,” Callan calls from the golf cart. The roof on it isn’t adding much protection since the rain is blowing sideways, but he’s not complaining too hard as I take my time moving over to him. He’s now in the driver’s seat. I’ve been sort of shocked he let me drive all day. Now that it’s raining though, he’s in a hurry to get under cover. I think we might be the last two people on the golf course.

He drives past the clubhouse, and I glance his way. “This is where I’m parked.”

“I’m staying right here at the hotel. Why don’t we run up and get dry so we can finish our work for the day. I want to plan what we’re doing next,” he says. He doesn’t voice it as a question, but I’m learning enough about him to know he won’t force me to go up to his room if I don’t want to. It makes me incredibly nervous, but I can control myself.

He pulls under the canopy of the hotel entrance, both of us laughing at the horrified look on the bellman’s face at the sight of us. He hesitates as if he’s afraid to walk over and have us shake like dogs all over him.

“Haven’t you ever seen drowned rats before?” Callan asks the man as he jumps from the cart, and rushes over to my side to hold out a hand. I hesitate and he chuckles. “We’re very wet and I don’t want you to slip,” he tells me. I take his hand and step out. He doesn’t immediately release his grip on me, and I like my hand in his. I pull away even though I don’t want to. I can’t be seen heading into this hotel with my hand in his. This is going to travel all over town anyway, I don’t need to add any further gossip material.

This hotel is pretty small, but I’ve heard it’s nice. I’ve never stayed in any of the rooms before. There’d be no point. We did have a few parties in the conference room though, and I like it. If Callan wanted to build something like this, I wouldn’t be so hesitant. This place is nice for local events and a great place to stay when family or friends come to town. Several locals have had their weddings here as well.

I don’t look up as I make my way beside Callan to his room. The building’s only three floors, but of course, he’s on the top one. I’m not sure which locals were in the lobby, but I wouldn’t be surprised right now if several phones are ringing, informing everyone I just entered the place with Callan and both of us are soaked to the bones. There’s nothing I can do about the gossip train so I might as well not stress over it.

Callan opens his door, and I hate to admit I’m impressed. There’s a large living room with a fireplace, a small table, desk, couch, and a couple of comfortable chairs. Two doors are along one wall. I’m assuming a bathroom and bedroom. This has to be the largest room in the place. I can’t imagine it gets rented out too often. The hotel must love having Callan here spending some of his hordes of money.

“If you want to shower, I’ll find some dry clothes for you,” Callan says. “There are two bathrooms here, but the nicer one is in the bedroom.”

The thought of using the same shower he uses instantly causes butterflies in my stomach, but now that my initial joy of the rainstorm has faded, I’m shivering. I’m not going to get anything done freezing. I better not overthink this.