Page 6 of You're Mine

“You’ll just have to come back here tomorrow morning and we’ll introduce you to her,” Eileen says with an angelic smile. I’m sure she practices this one as much as I practice my trust me smile.

I know I won’t get anything else out of these women, so I thank them for their help, move to the counter, and pay my bill. As I step outside, I can hear them behind me, already chatting away. I wonder how long they sit here each day and gossip. Why is it this café I was sent to? Are these three women who I was supposed to meet? I’m confused, but one thing I know for sure is that I’m going to be the talk of the town by the end of the day.

As I stroll down the street, I can’t help but wonder what adventures are heading my way. I can’t shake the feeling that my life is about to change. I want to push the thought from my head, but there’s something about this place that’s pulling me in. I’ve only been here a few hours and I already feel like I’m where I’m supposed to be.

Shaking this thought off, I walk down to the beach still unready to check into my hotel. There’s one small hotel near the golf course. Adding another nice place would bring a lot of prosperity to the town. We’ll have to see how the locals feel about this.

Chapter Three


The sun is shining down while the breeze blows in off the California ocean, sinking me into utter bliss as I lounge on the sandy shores of Seaville Beach. By the end of a day at the ocean, my cheeks hurt from smiling so much as the light wind blows through my hair. There’s nothing like the freedom of a beautiful summer day on the coast.

I’m barely able to participate in the conversation with my friends as they laugh and chat, their voices blending perfectly with the rhythmic crash of the waves against the shore. I don’t know how anyone lives far from the ocean. There’s something magical and soothing about the sounds, scents, and views of the vast ocean that covers seventy percent of our world. I’ve always wondered how we can be so water deficient in parts of the world when there’s so much water everywhere.

I sit up as someone yells and then laugh when I see a young boy run full force into the water, diving in with his mother chasing after him. She fishes him out of the water and begins lecturing him on being careful. My parents gave me the same lecture many times when I was a young daredevil. I’m still alive though. Kids need to spread their wings and fly. It makes us stronger later in life. If we’re protected too much we never have a chance to grow.

“I want every single day to be as perfect as this one. We have sun, sand, and sea, our own little paradise,” I say with a contented sigh.

“I fully agree,” Jess says and grins. “You won’t believe who I saw all nice and cozy at the café yesterday.” This gets all of our attention. There’s nothing like a little gossip to spice up the day to absolute perfection.

“Spill the beans, Jess. I can’t believe you waited until now. We’ve been here for over an hour already,” Emily tells her.

“I love that I know this first,” Jess says with a giggle. “Mike from the surf shop was sharing a milkshake with Sarah from the bookstore. And when I say sharing, I mean sharing. They had one milkshake and two straws with their heads awfully close to each other. Sarah was all flushed, and Mike looked in total bliss. I think that man is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.”

“Wow, how did we not see that one coming? I wouldn’t have expected those two to be a match. Mike is such a surfer dude without a care in the world, and Sarah’s such a bookworm. They do say the ones wearing glasses are the kinkiest though,” I say with a laugh.

“I completely see them as a couple. They’re both beautiful and maybe they’ll balance each other out. He can loosen her up, and she can help him mellow a little. Unless it’s just a hot and sweaty fling,” Emily says.

“You never know. The one surety in life is that love’s a mystery. When cupid hits, people better watch out,” I say. “But speaking of dating, have you heard from Alex, Jess?” Jess blushes, which is highly unusual of her. It piques my interest and I pay a lot more attention to the conversation. Nothing’s as fun as talking about men, even if they are a royal pain the ass.

“Yes, we’ve been talking a lot. He’s dropping very obvious hints about taking me out again. He’s been trying to play it cool, but he’s failing, which I happen to love. I’m excited and nervous. I really like this guy. If he takes too long though, I’ll be gone in a flash.”

“You’re a total catch, Jess. Don’t you forget it! Be yourself and have a blast. He’ll be a puppy at your feet. Most importantly don’t forget to share every single detail with your friends,” Emily says with a laugh. “And maybe don’t lure this one in and then send him flying. You play with your men like most people play with their phones.”

I join in the laughter. “Yes, we want all of the juicy details. But speaking of fun, what in the heck is going on with the bowling alley? There isn’t a whole lot to do in this town, which I love on one hand, but it’s been our hangout forever. I miss it.”

“Ugh, I know. They’re still renovating. How long can it take? It better get open soon, and better be nicer than ever before. I hope they’re adding the stuff for twilight bowling. It’s my absolute favorite. I did it once when I was on a trip to LA. Bowling has never been the same since,” Emily says.

“I agree. I’ve only done that once too, but the black lights, the disco ball, and the music made the whole thing totally amazing. Let’s find the builders and put in our request for it, just in case they aren’t doing it,” I say.

“Good idea. How can they possibly deny women as amazing as us?” Jess says. “Don’t let me forget to stop at Betty’s. I need some new lipstick. I heard she has the stain. We’re coming into the twenty-first century finally.”

I laugh. “I don’t mind coming in a little at a time, but I don’t want our town to change too much. I love how mellow it is. Going to the big cities is fun, but I’m always happy to come back to our mellow piece of paradise,” I tell them.

“I agree. A little bit of progress, and a whole lot of beach,” Emily says.

“Absolutely. Plus, in all reality, there really is something exciting happening around here on a daily basis. Did you hear about the latest diet craze that’s been sweeping through?”

“Oh my gosh, that seaweed thing, right? Yuck! Grams swears by it, but I don’t think I could stomach eating seaweed once, let alone with every meal,” Jess says.

“I agree. I like food way too much to limit what I eat. If I want to drop a pound or two I just cut out the bread and pasta,” Emily says.

“But never the sugar,” I add with a laugh.

“I’m not a monster. I can’t give up sugar,” Emily agrees, making all of us laugh.

“We’re so wise,” I tell them. “But speaking of healthy, I do love the smoothie place. It’s only been open a year but they have a new acai bowl that’s to die for. I’ve had that for lunch more than a few times.”