“Do you think he could’ve been drugged?”
Robert nods. “It’s what I’ve been thinking. I’m really pissed it might’ve happened in my bar and I didn’t help him. It never has happened here before.”
“Oh, Robert, I might’ve been too quick to judge him. It seems impossible that the two of us can work, that he might actually love me, so it was easy for me to believe that woman,” I admit. This is my worst fear. Robert looks at me with confusion.
“You’re one of the most loveable people I know. That man looks at you like you hang the moon and stars, Sasha, just as he should. If my opinion counts for anything, I don’t think he cheated. I think that woman was up to no good and we somehow all missed it. There will be a lot of guilt in this town over this. We’re supposed to look out for each other.”
I give him a slight smile. “Are you considering Callan one of us now?”
He chuckles. “I guess so,” he says with a shrug.
I finish my drink. “I need one more of these, preferably with no drugs.” He winces.
“That’s just mean,” he tells me.
“Too soon?”
“Far too soon,” he replies as he makes me another drink.
“If I don’t make fun of myself right now I’m going to fall completely apart. I’m a mess,” I tell him. “I don’t know how to fix this.”
“That boy is dying to talk to you, just go and let him explain.”
“I’m embarrassed.”
“It’s better than being heartbroken.”
“I guess that’s true. I need to tell him how I feel about him even if he rejects me. I’ve judged him, so I guess it’s time I wear my heart on my sleeve.” This scares me.
“Is there still a part of you that thinks he cheated?” Robert wisely asks.
“Yes,” I admit. “That makes the most sense to me, even if I don’t think he’s the kind of man to do that.”
“I don’t think that man has evil in him.” We both turn to see Aunt Eileen walking into the bar. She quickly takes a seat next to me. “I’ll have what she’s having,” she tells Robert. He quickly makes her a drink.
“I’m scared, Aunt Eileen.”
“We’re all scared when it comes to love. It’s a messy emotion. I was mad at Callan too, but the more I thought about it, the more it didn’t make sense. I’m glad to see you investigating this now. I did my own research. I found out Lily’s a model and her career’s been going down in flames. Callan has a lot of money and influence. I think she was doing anything she could to get him in a compromising position so he had no choice but to help her. She failed though. She didn’t count on that boy being in love with you.”
“Do you really think he loves me?”
Robert laughs. “Everyone in town except for you knows that man loves you,” he says as he sets Eileen’s drink in front of her.
“I’m such an idiot,” I tell them. They both nod. “How do I fix this?”
“That we can help you with,” Aunt Eileen says.
“I guess I need all of the help I can get,” I admit.
“Robert, I need a piece of paper,” Eileen demands. He hands one over. She writes something down and slips it to me. It’s an address.
“What’s this?” I ask.
“You just be at this address at seven tonight. The rest will work itself out.”
I learned long ago not to argue with my aunt. I give her a nod. Robert leaves, then comes back with some food, which I need to soak up the alcohol I’ve consumed. I want to be fully sober when I talk to Callan. I have too many raw emotions filling me not to be.
I don’t know if he’s going to forgive my lack of trust in him. I don’t know if he loves me. I do know I won’t forgive myself if I don’t give this one last try. We all make mistakes. We’ll see if love is enough to get us through.