Page 48 of You're Mine

“You’re a bad influence.”

“I like corrupting you,” he says with laughter.

I’m about to reply when the gym doors open. My face immediately heats as I pull away from him, a little wobbly on my feet as I reach down for my pants and try to get my shaking legs into them while Callan readjusts his clothes, which are barely out of order. I glare at him.

“That wasn’t an hour,” I whisper.

“Sasha, Callan, where are you?” Chief Mitchel calls out.

I get my clothes in place and quickly step out. I’m sure my hair’s a mess. No doubt what happened is written all over both of our faces. When I see the group of firemen grinning at us, I’m sure they know.

“Looks like being locked in hasn’t been such a hardship for you two,” the chief says with a laugh. A few of the firemen whistle. I look at the floor in sheer embarrassment. Callan grins at all of them.

“What happened to dinner?” Callan asks.

“We finished,” the chief says. “Do you want us to come back later?”

I don’t bother to reply, just walk past all of the grinning men. I want out of here now. The phone tree will be ringing in about five minutes flat.

A few people are outside but I don’t say a word to any of them as I make my way home. Callan can catch up. I’m out of here. Once I’m away, I’m embarrassed but have no regrets. How can I ever regret time with Callan? I can’t. It’s too damn good.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Time is a funny thing. It has a way of uprooting your life without you being aware. There are moments of pure happiness, and others of major uncertainty. Right now, I’m happy, happier than I’ve ever been, as if I’ve discovered a never-ending treasure.

It's been a month since the town approved building the resort, and I can honestly say I’m walking on clouds, my feet barely touching the ground. Everything is moving along beautifully, and Sasha thrives in her role as project coordinator, and more importantly we’re thriving as a couple.

We haven’t officially moved in together... not my idea. We spend more time sleeping at either her place or my hotel than we do alone, but she tells me she doesn’t want to rush into anything. I understand and, since we’re together anyway, I don’t fight it. I want her to be comfortable. I still don’t know what’s going to happen. My life’s in Seattle and hers is here in California. But we’ll work it out.

I smile as I think about the woman I’m falling in love with. I may be there but we haven’t spoken the words. Since I’ve never been in love before, I’m not quite sure what makes a person fall in love, let alone stay in love, however this might be it. I can’t seem to go more than a few hours without the need to see her. That has to be more than lust, doesn’t it?

I love that she’s found herself. She’s thriving in her job. It’s funny because she’s been working more than I have lately, the reason I’m here alone at the bar waiting for her. She’s certainly a force to be reckoned with. She doesn’t let anyone fool her and hires only the best of the best. I love it.

“How is life treating you, Callan?” Robert, the owner of the bar, asks as he gets a break from the surprising crowd on a Thursday night.

“It’s pretty damn good,” I tell him.

“You and Sasha are quite cozy,” he says with a laugh.

“I never thought I’d be in a relationship, but here I am, and happy about it,” I admit.

He laughs. “I knew that girl would wrangle the right man. She’s a free spirit, but never doubt for a minute what a catch she is,” he tells me. I’m sure it’s a warning along with praise. The town loves Sasha and if I hurt her, I’ll be lynched.

Robert gets called away and I finish my drink before moving to the bathroom. I come back, have another drink while visiting with multiple people from the town, and notice the time. Sasha’s working later than usual. Maybe I should head over and see if she needs help. She’s independent and I try not to interfere. I’m proud of her and love the pride she takes in her job. But I want to be with her, and it’s nearly eight in the evening. It wasn’t unusual for me to work this late even a month before, but I’ve found a new balance in my life, and I love it.

I’m feeling a little lightheaded. I haven’t had much to drink at all, but as I sit at the bar, the feeling intensifies. I make my way to the back, grateful to find the bathroom empty. I go inside and splash water on my face, but it doesn’t help. Maybe it’s the warm bar. It’s time to leave.

I exit the bathroom, move to the bar, pay my tab, then head outside. The streets are quiet, and I move down them, more and more wobbly. What in the hell is going on? I must’ve eaten something bad.

I lean against a building and close my eyes. I hear someone approach me so I open my eyes, hoping it’s Sasha. Something’s wrong and I might need help, though that’s not easy for me to admit. I’ve needed too much help lately which makes me feel weak. It’s not her, instead I blink several times as the face in front of me comes into focus.

“Lily?” I say, confused.

“Hello, Lover,” she says with a pleased smile. I try to weave through the fog in my head to figure out what’s happening.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, my voice barely coming out above a whisper. My legs feel weak. I’m growing agitated while my body’s growing more sluggish.