Page 38 of You're Mine

“We should’ve talked about this before, but are you protected?” he asks, his voice barely recognizable. We used condoms last time so it didn’t matter.

“Yes,” I tell him. His eyes light with all new fire, and then he plunges inside of me. The feel of him with nothing between us is incredible. I wrap my legs around him as he sinks deep within me.

He rests there for several moments and then begins to move. I meet him thrust for thrust as we once again get lost in each other. He takes his time, pumping slowly for long blissful moments, building the pressure inside of me again. Then he speeds up. We cry out together as we build and build and then I let go, my cries rising to the heavens.

I squeeze him and he releases, his warm seed filling me, our pleasure found together. It takes long moments before we come back down to earth again. He shifts us so he’s on his side with me in his arms. He reaches down and pulls the sheet over us and we lie together, our hearts beating as one as we close our eyes and drift to sleep beneath the stars.

I don’t want to ever open my eyes again because I want this to last for an eternity. I don’t ever want this bubble to pop. I’m right where I want to be and I have no desire to fight it ever again.

Chapter Nineteen


The animals are calling as Callan and I glide along the serene waters of the Wailua River. The rhythmic sound of our paddles dipping into the clear water echoes against the lush greenery that flanks us on both sides. This is yet one more adventure the two of us take on the incredible island of Kaua’i, and the tranquility I feel is indescribable.

It all adds up, from the tropical air hitting our skin, to the smell of fruit ripening on the vines, and the beauty all around us. To top all of this off, I’m with Callan, who’s turning out to be the most incredible man on the planet. If my friends had told me even a week ago I’d be feeling this way I would’ve laughed at them. My how a single day can change a person.

As we navigate the winding river, I steal many glances at him, admiring the way the sunlight dances on his skin and casts gentle shadows across his beautiful face. He’s been smiling a heck of a lot more than he did when he first arrived in Seaville. His smile is something to behold, transforming his entire face, and when you add the sparkle in his eyes, he’s irresistible. His sense of calm and peace mirrors exactly how I feel right now.

“You might never get me to leave this island,” I tell him, breaking the peaceful silence around us. I noticed I’m speaking softer on the island. It feels like I’ll break the magical spell if my voice is too loud.

Callan beams at me, his gaze caressing me like I want his hands to do. We should be in one kayak, but then again, I’d probably launch myself at him and send us both into the water... which wouldn’t be all that bad.

“This raw beauty is why this place is called the Garden Island,” he tells me. “Every time I visit I have the same thought of never leaving, especially in the winter in Seattle where it seems to be a competition to see if the weather can be worse than the year before. I can only go so long without sunshine before I start going a little crazy.”

“I don’t have that problem in Seaville. I welcome the storms because they are so few and far between. We aren’t set up for it either. A few years back we had a bunch of rain, which was great for our water supply, but not so great for the land. We had mudslides and several homes were lost. Luckily Seaville wasn’t hit by disaster. I was starting to go a little stir-crazy after a while. At first it was fine, but I wouldn’t want to live in a place that rained nonstop. I enjoy being outside in the sun far too much.”

I see a hint of disappointment in his eyes and wonder what that’s about. I decide not to dwell on it, though. Our day is too perfect and I don’t want a single negative thought to ruin anything. I’m going to have to work more, because I want to come back to this island at least a couple of times a year.

I wonder if it would be the same without him, though. I have a feeling the magic would be lost. I push this from my mind again. No negative thoughts are allowed in paradise.

We continue to paddle, our conversation ebbing and flowing effortlessly just like the current of the river that’s helping to pull us along. It’s so easy to talk to Callan. Then again, that’s never been our problem. We’ve been able to communicate from the moment we met, even if I did horrify him a bit. In his defense, that’s exactly what I’d been trying to do. I no longer want to chase him away though. I want to pull him in, wrap my arms around him, and never let him go.

I’m disappointed when we reach the end of our kayaking journey. I know there are many more adventures ahead, but each thing we do is amazing, and I want to keep doing it. Warmth surrounds me, and peace fills me. Maybe fate is a real thing. Right now it feels like everything around us is pulling us together, enveloping us in a nice bubble. As long as our bubble doesn’t burst, we can remain in paradise for the rest of our lives. I’m falling hard for him. I refuse to use the word love, but I’m certainly falling.

We move on to our next adventure, and one day blurs into another. We don’t talk about when we’re leaving, and I don’t bring it up. I have no desire to go back to the real world. I love paradise, love our crazy adventures and our nights of making love. I don’t want to ever give it up.

We snorkel along the vibrant coral reefs of Po’ipu Beach, too few in the world get this experience. And with each day our conversations become more intimate and revealing.

I marvel at the breathtaking vistas of Koke’e State Park as we spend hours hiking the winding trails that give us unfettered views of the island. One of my favorite activities is soaring above Kaua’i’s lush valleys on an exciting ziplining adventure. We’re sharing so many experiences it feels like the real world is a million miles away.

Even with all of these thrills, it’s our quiet moments spent in each other’s arms I value the most. I can’t get enough of lying beneath the bright starlit sky with our hands entwined, our hearts beating as one. It doesn’t matter what we’re doing together, what matters is being with him, sharing things with him I’ve never shared with anyone other than my two best friends: my hopes, dreams, and even my fears. I’m allowing myself to be vulnerable with Callan, something I only do with a select few people.

I want time to stand still. I know the clock is ticking, but I don’t want it to strike midnight. I want our long days and blissful nights to stretch on for an eternity. I know this is wishful thinking, but a girl can dream.

We’re currently sitting on the soft sands of Po’ipu Beach, the rhythmic crash of the bigger waves providing a soothing backdrop to another perfect evening. We watch as the sun dips below the horizon in a blaze of brilliant colors that are so beautiful it brings tears to my eyes. I turn and look at Callan, my heart full.

“I don’t want this to ever end,” I whisper, under a spell I don’t want to be broken.

Callan pulls me closer, his touch sending tremors through my body. “Me neither,” he says, leaning over and kissing me much too briefly. I’m suddenly sad, the last emotion I want to feel.

“Tell me more about your brothers,” I say, needing to shake off this melancholy. No sadness is allowed in paradise.

Callan chuckles. “I was in Maui with my brothers when we were in our twenties. We decided to hike to the top of Mount Haleakala. We were all in great shape, even back then, but let me tell you, that hike was one of the most challenging ones I’ve ever done. It was worth it, though, because the views from the summit were breathtaking, something a person absolutely can’t describe. It’s one of those things you have to experience to understand the magic of it. We stayed on top for hours, not even talking much, just taking it all in, and appreciating our lives.”

I snuggle a little closer. His voice, filled with happiness, does the trick and takes away my fears and sadness. I can listen to him speak all day and be perfectly content. “You’re making me want to do that hike. It might take all day, but it sounds like it’s worth it,” I say. “I’m a little scared the volcano might blow while I’m there though. That seems to be my luck.”

He chuckles. “No way, you’re invincible.”