Page 28 of You're Mine

“Oh my gosh, you did,” Emily gasps. “That was fast!”

“Are you slut shaming me?” I demand.

They both laugh. “Hell no, we’re jealous,” Jess says. “Tell me that man’s large and in charge.”

Now I’m giggling. “Oh, he’s certainly large, and the man made me come so many times I lost count,” I admit. “It was the best sex of my life, and I’m a bit horrified I caved in after only a couple of days, but I can’t regret something that good.”

“What in the hell are you doing with us? You should be banging that man right now,” Emily says.

“No. It was a one and done. He’s leaving, guys, and you know I can’t have a casual fling without getting attached. I don’t regret it, but I can’t keep doing it with him or I’ll fall apart when he’s gone.”

“Maybe he’ll fall in love and you can keep having mind-blowing sex,” Jess says.

“He’s a city boy. There’s no way he’d be happy here, and there’s not a chance I’m leaving,” I tell them.

“You could always split your time,” Emily points out. I immediately shake my head.

“Long distance never works, and I despise cities. There’s no way I could spend even months in Seattle. Besides, I don’t take Callan as the settling down kind of man. He’s certainly the love ’em and leave ’em guy. That definition was written just for him,” I point out.

They want to argue with me; I see it, but they know I’m right. “We need more drinks for this,” Emily says as she jumps up and makes her way to the bar. There are only two floor attendants and if we wait for them it will take forever. But she’s right, this conversation requires a heck of a lot more drinks.

I turn to look at the commotion over near the front door... and my eyes lock in on Callan, who’s standing beside another man, one nearly as gorgeous as he is. The two are both tall, wide, and breathtaking. It causes the females in the room to stop and stare. Their entrance has also caused a few of the men in the room to shoot daggers.

“Holy hell, there are two of them,” Jess says in a hushed whisper. The band just took a break so we can hear each other a lot better now.

“Where did the other one come from?” I ask.

“Heaven,” Jess says. “You have one, can I have the other?”

This makes me burst out laughing. “You can have at him. Heck, you can have at them both.” I don’t mean this at all.

“We don’t do sloppy seconds. That’s been our rule since middle school,” Jess says. She laughs again as Emily shows up, carefully balancing our drinks.

“What are you staring at?” she asks before she turns toward the door. Then her mouth drops open. “Oh, my.”

“I saw him first,” Jess quickly says. “Dibs.”

Emily and I burst out laughing. Jess looks to be in heat. “Aren’t you seeing someone?” I ask.

She shakes her head. “Nothing serious, and right now I can’t even remember the name of any other man in the entire universe.”

We’re very used to Jess, but we also know she’s all talk and very little action. She loves to flirt, but when it comes to anything serious, she runs faster than a cheetah. I think she’s part mermaid, because she lures men in, then crushes their souls as she walks away and leaves them broken on the rocks.

Callan and the man look so similar they have to be related. They were stopped by a group of five women who are all managing to touch them any way they can. The men smile at them, not seeming at all offended by the attention. I’m shocked when a surge of jealousy washes through me. What the actual hell?

I don’t do jealousy, not ever. If a man is willing to be unfaithful, then the other woman can have him. But my jaw is clenched with irritation at the attention Callan’s getting, and he doesn’t seem to mind. It’s ridiculous to be upset about this. I shouldn’t care at all if women throw themselves all over him. I shouldn’t care if he decides to have a wild orgy. But I do care... I care a lot.

Callan suddenly looks up as if he can feel my gaze burning a hole in him. His eyes land on mine and those devastating lips of his turn up. He leans closer to the man he’s with, and the two of them break away from their gaggle of women and walk toward us. The women behind them glare our way. Uh oh.

“Yes, the heavens are shining down on us,” Jess says as she practically dances in her seat. “That tall drink of water is coming this way.”

“Which one? They’re both positively thirst quenching,” Emily says.

“I don’t care about Callan; he’s taken. Please, for the love of all that’s glorious in this world, let the other one be single.”

Emily laughs. “It won’t matter if he is or not. You’re going to flirt, make him all hot, hard, and bothered, and then you’re going to walk away,” Emily points out.

“Maybe not. That man is too sexy to walk away from.”