Page 19 of You're Mine

“I don’t get it. I don’t think we can get it. The thought of hurting someone is abhorrent to me. It’s so strange that some take pride in it. I always remind myself, though, there are far more good people in this world than evil ones.”

“Sometimes it doesn’t feel that way,” Callan says.

“If you look at the world through foggy glasses you won’t see the beauty around you. I choose to see the good. I know some people think that makes me naïve, but I think it makes me a better person. I know there’s evil out there, and I know there are bad people, but I choose not to focus on that. It makes me a much happier person.” I pause, not liking the direction this conversation is taking.

“Okay, this topic is getting a little depressing so let me share something else,” I say with a wave of my hand. We’ve finished our food, so we move over to the fireplace again. I sit on the couch, which is closer. Callan opens a bottle of wine, pours two glasses, then joins me on the couch, sitting only a couple of feet away. I can practically feel his body heat. I grip my glass and pray for strength.

“This story shows my impressive prowess,” I tell him.

“Oh, I want to hear this,” Callan says with a smile. I turn and gaze at the fire as I start talking.

“I was a senior in high school and Jess, Emily, and I decided to head to the next town over and paint the rock out front of their school in our school colors. We had it all planned out, getting the right paint, glitter, and even masks for ourselves. The rock was painted in their colors already so it wasn’t vandalism,” I assure him.

“I’d never think you’d do such a criminal act,” he says with a laugh.

“Well, we were doing a pretty dang good job, and just getting the finishing touches on when the volleyball team suddenly came out of the weight room. We thought we’d researched enough to know there were no practices that night. We didn’t think anyone would be around and discover our brilliant act until morning.”

“Uh oh, what happened?”

“Those girls, who were quite muscled I might add, charged after us like a pack of wild animals. We immediately took off, running for our lives, dodging hands, and weaving through obstacles. We wound up on the football field in the bleachers. I tripped and landed in a very ungraceful manner on the filthy cement floor. Emily and Jess quickly jumped down to check on me.”

“Did they catch you?”

“No, luckily they didn’t see us head into the bleachers. It didn’t take them long to go there though. We could hear them shouting, saying to look everywhere. Just when I thought we were about to be caught, there must’ve been three very unlucky girls walking on the other side of the field. The volleyball girls said they saw us, and started charging across the field. Those poor girls didn’t know what was coming for them.”

“What did you troublemakers do?”

“We got the heck out of Dodge. As soon as they were far enough away, Emily peeked out, then we made a mad dash for it in the opposite direction. I’m not sure how we didn’t get caught. The next day at school, our principal made an announcement on the intercom that it was unacceptable to vandalize other school’s property. We rolled our eyes. We didn’t vandalize anything. We simply gave a makeover to a poorly painted rock.”

Callan laughs. “Did you ever get busted?”

“Nope, when someone’s up to good old-fashioned no-good in this town everyone bands around each other,” I proudly state.

“And this town certainly doesn’t like outsiders,” he says. I finally look at him. He doesn’t appear to be at all offended by this. He looks impressed.

“We like strangers; we just don’t like anyone coming in and telling us we have to change,” I correct him.

He laughs before setting down his empty wine glass. I realize mine’s empty as well. My heart thuds hard as he scoots closer to me. He lifts his fingers and runs them along the side of my neck, sending shivers all through me. The fire is crackling, and the mood is perfect. Looking down at his lips, I know what’s coming. I should stop it... but once again, I don’t want to.

He leans in close then whispers in my ear. “Maybe I need to change things so I’m no longer a stranger.”

He grips my neck, then leans forward and kisses me, his lips soft and demanding at the same time. I sigh against his mouth as desire rushes through me. This man really knows how to kiss. One hand stays on my neck while the other rests on my side, his thumb near the underside of my breast. I want him to move it that miniscule amount up, want him to relieve the ache I’m feeling.

He kisses me for long, hot moments before he breaks away and trails his lips down the side of my neck, finding the point where my pulse is beating out of control. I so badly want to let go, want to take this to where it’s supposed to lead. When his hand shifts and he slides it beneath the hem of my shirt, I know I have to stop this. I pull back, my breath husky as I speak.

“It’s time for me to go.”

He looks at me with confusion. “Why?”

“I can’t do this.”

He shakes his head as if trying to clear the fog that’s enveloped us both. “We can make magic happen between us. All you have to do is say yes.”

I swallow hard as I try to drag oxygen into my deprived lungs. “I don’t do flings, Callan. I never have and I don’t want to start now.” My legs are shaky but I manage to stand up. I’m sure my skin’s flushed, and I look as turned on as I feel. He doesn’t move as he gazes at me in wonder.

“You should try it. A fling’s great for the soul.”

This makes me laugh. It’s exactly what I needed to hear. I’m still turned on, and still want to jump this man’s bones, but I’m grounded again.