Page 6 of Rhoni & Dreaux 2

“What’s that?”

“Not my story to tell, but I will say this, Rhoni is my blood. I love that woman more than you can even fucking process. I don’t know if you’ll be good for her but I’m going to give you the chance to prove you can be. You only get one chance. If you plan on fucking with her heart or her mind, don’t. I will not be kind and my kindness isn’t even favorable so that should tell you what being on my bad side can be like.”

He glared at me in warning. This man didn’t fucking move me, but again, he was Rhoni’s cousin, who she loved. Based on the way he attempted to check me, he loved her too.

“I had to sit down for four years. That left me nothing but time to think about what my priorities are. She is a priority until she tells me she doesn’t want to be, and even then I’m gonna keep fucking showing up. I have no plans of playing with Rhoni.”

He searched my face again—assessing, gauging—then relaxed. “She’s at The Metropolitan. Checks out in the morning.”

It was my turn to glare. “Alone?”

He smirked. “Nah, she’s in a room full of people, three-day pool tournament. Finals are today. You want to see her, go there.”

I was relieved this wouldn’t be any more complicated than it already was. Not that I cared whether or not she was with someone. She wouldn’t be after I showed my face, even if that meant making whoever the fuck the guy was no longer able to compete for her time.

I tossed my chin. “’Preciate that.” I turned to leave and he called out behind me.


I paused and turned to face him again when he added, “She didn’t move. This is her spot so don’t tell her I had company…” His eyes moved past me and a sly grin surfaced. “Let’s just say she wouldn’t appreciate how I’m using her place.”

I threw his earlier words back at him. “Not my story to tell.” His business was his own and this place wouldn’t be hers for much longer if I got my way. I always got what I wanted.

“Aight, be easy, and maybe I’ll see you around if you don’t fuck this up.”

He smiled and I didn’t respond but turned to leave. I wouldn’t fuck it up and I put that on my life.

As soon as I was in my ride, I pulled up a search engine and found the tournament listing. I scanned the names attending and noticed hers. I smirked while navigating to the finalists and frowned when I didn’t see Rhoni’s name.

How the fuck that happen? My girl should have handed them their asses.

My girl.

The reference felt so fucking comfortable I didn’t flinch when I delivered the label. The final game was at five. It was currently a quarter after which meant I wouldn’t make it in time for the round but I didn’t give a damn about the championship. I cared about the woman who didn’t make the cut but she would be rewarded this evening, even if I was the one winning.

* * *

When I reached the hotel, I didn’t bother with valet. The crowd was too thick which meant the tournament was over. I wasn’t in the mood to wait. I parked near the entrance and walked inside scanning faces as I moved through the lobby.

It wasn’t until I did a full three-sixty that I realized I fucked up. I should have gotten her number or, at the very least, her last name from Ty.


I located the reservation desk which had a line. I had no intention of waiting in so I caught the attention of a guy passing by with a trophy, assuming he was a part of the tournament, to see if he could cut down my search time.

“Hey where’d you guys play tonight?”

“The main conference hall. Down there to the left, but the tourney’s over. They’re packing up in there.” His brows were pinched like he was annoyed. When my eyes lowered to the trophy I noticed it said Regional Semifinalist.

“’Preciate you,” I mumbled, stepping past the guy and heading in the direction he rattled off, only to be annoyed when I reached the conference hall. Like he’d informed me, they were packing up. A few people lingered, none of which were Rhoni. Hired crew loaded pool tables on flatbed dollies and others were collecting trash.

Frustration crawled up my spine and pulsed in my temples. There wasn’t much I could do at the moment besides wait and hope that she surfaced somewhere in this hotel. Her cousin mentioned she was checking out in the morning which meant she was still here somewhere. If I had to sit and wait, then that was exactly what the fuck I was going to do.

One thing these last four years taught me was patience but since my high from smoking this morning no longer existed, I was going to have to toss back a few shots of something strong or this was gonna be a long fucking night.

When I reached the bar, I settled in the corner that offered me the best vantage point of the lobby. Before I could get the attention of the bartender, a soft body stepped up and pushed between my legs. The contact caught me off guard and when I lowered my eyes to her pretty face smiling seductively back at me, my irritation spiked.

“You looking for somebody?” She placed her hand on my chest and smiled sweetly, but it did absolutely nothing for me.