Page 70 of Nash

We went up to the door, and Nash used his key to let us in. Then, he entered the security code on the alarm box on the wall.

“I’m going to put our bags in our room. You feel free to take a look around.”

I wandered down the hall to a large open den that took up most of the back of the house. The place was just as impressive on the inside as it was on the outside, with a homey, warm vibe.

The whole place, from the style, to the earthy colors, to the southwestern decor, was very masculine. I’d thought Nash was a big guy, but Keith was even bigger, and all of his oversized furniture looked like it had been chosen with that in mind. There was a fireplace on the right wall that was surrounded by bookshelves, and I walked over to take a look.

I assumed they were all Keith’s, and if so, it appeared his taste in books was varied. There was a mix of non-fiction and fiction of all different genres. I was still checking that out when Nash entered the room.

“I see you found his book collection.”

“It’s impressive, that’s for sure. They’re all his?”

“Yeah, they have a lot of downtime on their twenty-four-hour shifts, and Keith has never been much of a television watcher, so he mostly reads. He always has, though, especially fantasy. You and he could probably spend hours having that argument about high fantasy versus regular fantasy.”

“Based on the books I see here, it looks like high fantasy is his thing.”

“Maybe so. I still don’t know what the difference is. See, I told you that you might decide you chose the wrong Brooks brother.”

“And I told you I’d picked the perfect Brooks brother for me.” I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, going up on my tiptoes to kiss him. My intention was just a quick peck, but that never seemed to work with us. He wound his arms around me, pulled me close, and deepened the kiss.

“For fuck’s sake, you two haven’t even been here ten minutes, and you’re already all over each other,” Keith said in a teasing voice.

Nash lifted one hand up over his shoulder, raising one finger to let his brother know what he thought about his commentary, but the moment was broken.

“What time do we need to go to the club?” I asked. I’d only been to Kirby’s with Julius. And only for Daddy night that one time, so I was really looking forward to going with Nash.

“Not until much later. I thought we’d just hang out until dinner time. Then we could get some Chinese food and bring it back here to eat before getting ready to go.”

“Sounds perfect to me. We can watch a movie or something. Do you want to join us, Keith,” I asked.

“Nah, I have some stuff I need to do in the backyard, but you two make yourselves at home.”

Chapter 25


When Spencer walked out of the bedroom, I just about swallowed my tongue. His outfit was very close to what he’d worn to the club before. A pair of dark purple booty shorts that showed off every inch of his beautiful, toned legs, a mesh top in a lighter purple color that made his blue eyes pop, and a hint of skin that made me want more.

I bit back a growl at the thought of all of the Daddies at the club getting such an enticing view of what was mine.

Spencer grinned at me and held his hands out to his sides. “What’d you think, Daddy?”

I shook my head and let out a sigh. “I think I’ll need to make it very clear who you belong to the second we enter the club ‘cause, baby boy, you’re smoking hot.”

“Well, too bad for them. I got my Daddy.”

He walked over to where I was sitting on the bar stool and slipped right between my legs. I put my hands on his hips and pulled him against me. “Damn straight.”

“Well, this should be fun,” Keith said with a chuckle. “I’m gonna get a kick outta watching you be all possessive over your boy all night.”

“You’ll be too busy fending off interested boys to worry about us.”

“I told you I wasn’t interested in bringing anyone home tonight.” He glared at me, and Spencer laughed.

“You could just scowl at them like that, and I’m sure they’ll get the message to stay away.”

“Nah, his little fan club loves that scowl. It makes him look like a grumpy bear,” Nash teased.