Page 72 of Nash

“Yes, Daddy, I told him. He’s on his way.”

“Good boy.” He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

Nash hadn’t been kidding when he said Keith would have plenty of boys to deal with. We hadn’t been here all that long, and more than one boy had stopped by to try and coax Keith away from us. Either that or they’d hinted that they would like to join us. Keith had successfully fended off each advance in a nice but firm way, always being careful not to hurt the boys’ feelings in the process.

About half an hour later, in typical Julius fashion, he blew in like a hurricane. He stopped in front of the U-shaped booth we were sitting in. He was wearing pants with sequins, a shirt that said Smoking in red glitter, and he’d gone all out on his makeup this evening.

“Scooch,” he said, motioning with his hand for everyone to make room for him to sit. There was plenty of room in the booth, but with two big guys all spread out, it looked like it was full.

Keith gave him an amused look, and instead of moving over, he got out of the booth, stood up, and motioned toward where I was sitting. “Please, be my guest.”

“Why thank you, Daddy Keith.” Julius gave him a simpering smile and slid in next to me. Keith shook his head and sat back down.

Julius turned to me, let out a labored sigh, and flopped back against the seat cushion dramatically. “Spencer, sugar, you’re never gonna believe the day I had. I swear I’m so tired I’m running on Dr. Pepper and spite.”

“Rough client today?”

“Oh lawd, have mercy child, the worst. I swear I spent the afternoon with the biggest Karen who ever Karened. First of all, she was all kinds of confused. When she booked the appointment, she asked for Julie, so of course, they gave her to me.”


“Then she pitched a hissy fit ‘cause I was a guy, for fuck’s sake. We offered to rebook her with someone else, of course, but no one had any space on their books for her today, and she didn’t want to wait, so she agreed to, and I quote, settle for me.”

The indignity in his voice was so heavy I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing.

“Then she started talking about how she’d had to move from Austin to Vesper and how she should’ve just driven back to get her hair done there. At least her old person knew what she was doing. And how that salon was such a high-end salon. So you know I had to ask her which salon and who her stylist was and get this…are you ready? It was Monique.”

“You’re kidding me?” I turned to Nash to explain. “Monique was his nemesis in cosmetology school, but Julius beat her out for all the awards.”

“Damn straight, I did. Anyway, after listening to that the whole afternoon and giving her a top-tier cut, color, and blowout, bitch didn’t even leave me a tip.”

“Oh, you poor thing,” I said.

“She can just haul her skanky ass back to Austin next time.”

“As she should,” I agreed. “Now, let’s get you a drink.”

Keith caught the attention of our server, and he came right over. “What can I get for y’all?”

We were still good for drinks except Julius, and he ordered a mojito. “It’s going to be weird being out with you tonight and not having breakfast with you in the morning, Spence.”

“I know, right? You should come to River Gorge and hang out. You could spend the weekend, and we could go to Cap’s for muffins for breakfast.”

“Or I could make you two omelets,” Nash said.

I turned and beamed at him. “You could!” I looked back to Julius. “My Daddy makes the best omelets.”

Nash leaned over and kissed my temple.

“He’s hot, and he makes breakfast. What else could you ask for?” Julius said out loud, but then he leaned down by my ear. “I’m happy for you, sugar.”


“What the fuck is he doing here?” Keith growled, and all conversation at our table stopped as we tried to figure out who he was talking about.

“Who?” Nash asked.

“Caleb Callahan. Right over there.” He pointed toward the bar. I looked, not that I had any idea who Caleb Callahan was.