“She will be fine. I promise.” My lips twitched. Seemed like the older man knew March pretty well, too. With a huff, my husband looked down at me and pressed a searing kiss on my lips, and when he pulled away, I had to bite away a moan. The man was like a caveman around other men when it came to me. And as crazy as it sounded, I didn’t mind it.

March stepped out and shut the door behind him.

“Sunny. Nice to meet you,” the lawyer said with a gentle smile.

“Nice to meet you too, sir.”

“Clerence,” he corrected with a wink and took a deep breath before opening a drawer next to him. “His grandfather was my best friend.” I nodded. March had shared that much. “We were friends for a long time, since we were little kids running around.” He shook his head and cleared the emotion from his throat. “When he brought up this clause, I thought he was crazy. He was always up to something.” The attorney laughed and took out a file folder.

“Anyhow, March, I probably shouldn’t say this, but he was special to Arthur. They were thick as thieves. He’d always have March with him no matter where they went. Like I was saying, when he asked me to add the marriage clause to the loan, I thought the man had finally gone senile.” The wrinkles at the edges of his eyes deepened as his gaze connected with mine and he smiled.

“Art must have known something I didn’t. He asked me to give March that card. The one for the marriage broker.” I got chills and blinked. “I have no idea where or when he got it.”

“How would…”

“No idea. But I don’t even have to ask how you feel about March or if this marriage is real or not. I saw it from the very beginning.”

“What? Do you mean in town—" The older gentleman simply shook his head and leaned into his seat.

“At the airport. The day you arrived,” he shared. “You see, I was waiting on my granddaughter. She flew in after you. She’s come to stay with me for a little while. Anyhow, I waited off to the side when I saw March there, and I got nosy. I had a feeling I knew why he was there. Keep in mind, Sunny, I’ve known him since he was a baby, and I felt bad for the position Art put him in.” Clerence shook his head. “So, I’m watching him, and when his eyes rose to the escalator, I kept my attention on him. I’d never seen that boy look at anyone that way.” I blinked, trying to process what he was sharing.

“If you ever had any kind of doubt about whether you made the right or wrong choice by taking a leap of faith when it comes to your marriage, just know that boy fell for you the moment he saw you.”

“What?” I knew March loved me, and he’d told me he had fallen in loved with me at first sight, but it was different hearing it from someone else.

“Art always worried March was too stubborn for his own good. Where Art had fallen in love with his wife and been a stubborn ass about ever letting her go, he always thought March was the polar opposite. Stubborn as a mule about not letting himself fall in love, hell, even let himself care about someone. That’s why he did what he did. Good intentions and all that.”

I had no idea what to say, but it didn’t seem he needed me to say anything. He handed me a letter with March’s Wife scrawled on top.

“He wanted me to make sure that if March got married and really fell in love, to give his wife that.” He pointed, and my hands shook.

I opened it slowly and started to read. I was able to get to know a man I wish I ‘d had the honor to get to know in person through his words. March’s grandfather made me laugh and cry and then laugh again. I could see why people thought Arthur and March West were so much alike. They were pretty much cut from the same cloth. And I got that all from a letter.

Thank you for loving my boy, and I hope you two have a beautiful life together. Love is beautiful, but it’s more than a fairy tale. It’s hard work and takes a hell of a lot of courage. Courage I know March will have with the right person. Thank you for being that person.

His name was signed at the end, and I smiled up at the attorney through the tears.

“Yeah, Art was pretty good with words.” He nodded and stood up. I joined him, and when we opened the door, I found my handsome husband standing across the door waiting for me.

“Why is she crying?”

Before Clerence could answer, I did. “Happy tears.”

“March, you don’t have to worry about the loan. It’s free and clear.”

“Thanks.” He might have muttered the word, but he was pulling me into his arms. “I don’t like when you cry,” he said sullenly, and I giggled with a sniffle.

“I love you, March.”

“I love you, too,” he replied easily without hesitation in a way that fed my heart and soul.

With that, I turned and waved goodbye to the older man. March and I walked into the sunshine, ready to spring into our lives with our hearts full of love and courage as we faced whatever the future had in store for us.

Because no matter what, as long as we were together, everything would be okay.


March- two years later