“Wait, Mom. No one is perfect. I know that. But Sunny? She’s perfect for me,” I said out loud for the first time, and I knew I wasn’t going to freak out. The only reason I was worried was because my beautiful girl, my wife, wasn’t under my roof.

I had a mess to clean up, and I needed to make things up to my wife.

“I didn’t tell you about what was going on because I didn’t want you to worry.”

“Or meddle,” she added, hitting it on the nose. I grinned sheepishly. “I knew it!” She playfully glared up at me. “What did you think I was going to do? Send all the single ladies from town to your house?”

“Maybe.” I shrugged, and she smacked my arm. “I’m sorry. I messed up.”

“Maybe not,” she whispered. “I really liked her. I’m so sorry, honey. I just hadn’t seen you, and I was worried about you. I should have called.”

“Yeah, but I should have told you about her. You knew about Grandpa?”

“Honey, he mentioned it on a whim once, but your dad and I thought he was kidding. It wasn’t until I saw Clerence in town, and he let something slip. Did he really give you a card for a marriage broker?”


“A mail-order bride?”


“You planned on letting her go at the end of March, didn’t you?” she asked, knowing exactly what my original plan had been.

“Yep.” I hated how well my mom knew me. “I thought I could get married, get that clause fixed up, and get divorced before anyone would know any better.”

“But you fell for her.” It was a statement, not a question.

“Mom, I fell in love with her at first sight. One look was all it took,” I shared.

If we’d had issues, it was because of my stupid head getting in the way of myself. But I was done with that shit. She was mine, and I was hers. I hadn’t told my family because I didn’t want them to butt in.

I had been a selfish bastard.

I’d wanted to keep Sunny all to myself.

“The stubborn ones always fall hard,” she noted, and I scratched the back of my neck. Frustration and worry mingled inside of me.

“How the hell am I going to fix this?” I asked, because if anyone would know how I could fix this, it would be my mom.

“Oh, honey,” she sighed, rubbing my arm. “If you have to ask that, you’re slower than I could have ever imagined.” My brows bunched when I realized what she had said.


“Baby, the woman who left here? She’s in love with you. All you need to do now is go talk to her. Make it right.”

“But she left, Mom,” I reminded her, pointing at the empty street. “She took her things and—“ That was about the moment my mom, my beautiful, crazy mama, started to laugh like I was some kind of comedian. “This isn’t funny,” I gritted through my teeth. Every second of Sunny gone felt like she was farther and farther away.

“Honey.” She gulped air. “Do you know how many times I walked out on your dad before you kids were born to make a point?” she sassed.


“Sometimes, a woman needs to do something drastic to get her man’s attention so he can realize what an ass he’s being and honestly learn from it.” I frowned. Before I could say another word, she kept talking, “And by the heart-stricken look on your face, it seems to me she made it.” She hugged me and looked at me. “You know where she is. Go to her!”

“Ma—” I started to say, but she had other ideas.

“August!” she called, and my brother stepped out of my house with a shit-eating grin. “Let’s go,” she ordered. He shook his head.

“Truck’s open, Ma!” he called and walked right over to me.