“About you, sunshine. I’m nuts about you.”

With those last words, I drifted off to sleep wrapped up in March’s strong arms.


Istretched and rolled my neck and wistfully looked at the bed where my wife slept.

Fuck! It’d had been two days of us being married, and we’d been tangled up between the sheets the entire time of it.

“You’re staring,” she muttered, and that grin I couldn’t wipe off broadened.

“How do you know if you’re supposed to be sleeping?” I chuckled, more than tempted to return to bed, slip under the covers, and fuck her hard and thorough until she was so tired she’d drift back to sleep.

“I can feel you watching me.” Sunny opened her eyes, and that deep soulful dark gaze caught mine. Just like that, I felt it in my chest. I walked toward the bed and kneeled at the edge so I could grab her hand.

“I wanted to make you breakfast in bed for your first day.” I kissed her.

The very first morning of us as man and wife, Maggie from Brewed Grounds called and offered her a job. One I hadn’t wanted her to take, but I couldn’t ask her to stay home all day and wait for me when she looked so damn excited about it. Our spur-of-the-moment honeymoon was cut short, and the two of us had to get working and step foot into the real world even though that was the last thing I wanted. Especially after finding ourselves in a sweet little love bubble since our I dos.

“Breakfast in bed?”

“It’s your first day at a new job. That’s the least I could do as your husband.” I kissed the tip of her nose and loved the blush painted over the apples of her cheeks.

“Thank you.”

“I got you.” I stood up and watched her do the same.

She was completely naked, and when she caught me checking out her body, she playfully rolled her eyes before moving around our room. I loved how the shyness about being naked around me had started to fade away and was now long gone. The fact I’d had my mouth all over her body, not an inch I hadn’t explored, more than likely had something to do with it.

She grabbed a change of clothes from one of her suitcases and walked into the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on and wanted to join her more than I wanted to do anything.

But I didn’t.

I forced myself to leave our bedroom and get started on breakfast. I had just finished cooking the bacon when my phone rang, and I winced. Dread filled my gut. My mom.

I knew I couldn’t ignore her. If I did, it would make things worse. She’d stop by out of the blue and would ruin everything with Sunny.

I hadn’t really figured out how I would tell my family about the fact I not only got married, but that I’d married someone they had never met.

I turned the stove off and walked out to the backyard with a trash bag in my free hand.

“Hey, Mom,” I answered, and for some reason, when the words tumbled out of my mouth, I feigned sounding sick. I hadn’t planned on it, but it was too late.

“Hey, honey, are you sick?”

“Yeah.” I coughed and winced, hoping it didn’t sound fake. “I must have caught a bug or something.” A love bug.

“Oh no. Do you want me to take you some food?”

“Na, I’m good. I’m gonna head to work and then get some NyQuil and knock out when I get home.”

“Oh, honey, you can't take the day off?”

“Nope.” Never mind the fact I’d taken the last three days off. One to get married and the other two to fully consummate my marriage and make sure my wife was completely mine.

“Oh, okay, well, I won’t bug you. If you’re feeling better this weekend, you should come to the ranch.”
