“Shit’s been cleared up, but I think you need to get your ass home because not only your mama pissed but your wife. Which, man, what the hell? I didn’t even think you dated.”

“It’s a long story.” I ran my fingers through my hair.

“Yeah, sounds like it. Just wanted to give you a heads-up.”

“Is Sunny okay?” I prayed she hadn’t stormed off.

“Sunny. Pretty name.”

“August, fucking focus.”

“Relax, she’s good-ish. Man, I gotta tell you, she and mom are finally chatting like they’re long-lost friends, but?—"

“But what?”

“Sunny’s her name?”


“Well, she’s not shining like her namesake right now, March.”

“Auggie, stop with the poetics.” My teeth mashed together.

“I’m just saying she looks a little stormy.”

“What the hell does that mean?” My heart felt like it was in my throat.

“Okay, okay, that sounded a little better in my head.”


“She looks sad, brother.”

“Shit.” I didn’t like that. “Mom?—"

“It’s not Mom she’s upset with, March. Like I told you, they’re getting along now that shit is sorta cleared up,” he whispered, and I had a feeling I knew why. Before I could say a word, my mom started talking in the background. August had been caught.

“Is that your brother? You will not be found alive, August West, if you called my firstborn and warned him!”

“Relax, Mom, come on?—"

“Sunny?” my mom called. “Where are you going?” Shit. I drove a little faster hoping I hadn’t messed everything up. How they hell had this happened, and why hadn’t I just gone to the ranch and told them about Sunny?

Because you’re a selfish bastard, asshole, a cynical voice perked up, and I couldn’t get myself to argue with it because it was true.


“Honey, now what are you doing with that bag?” January’s blue eyes dropped to my luggage.

“I think I should go.” The words tasted like acid on my tongue. Leaving was the last thing I wanted to do.

“Oh. Why, baby?” The sincere concern in her eyes made me want to sit and stay put. It had been a long time since I’d had a mother-like figure in my life. If I hadn’t been a secret March felt he needed to keep, I could have had that. Now? I wasn’t so sure.

“Sunny, one day, you will, we will, look back at this and laugh,” January West tried to encourage.

“I don’t know about that,” I said softly, my lips wobbling slightly. There was a dull pain in my chest that felt like it was spreading throughout every corner of my body. I’d fallen in love with March, my great-with-his-hands cowboy, and now it was over before we really had a chance.

A chance?