And fuck me, I couldn’t even be upset about it.

I was actually looking forward to it. I had no idea how it was possible to fall in love with a stranger to feel the pull I did when it came to the woman sitting next to me, but the fact it existed only reminded me of how real it was. Love and forevers were actually possible.

Adrenaline slowly coursed through my body as we got closer and closer to my place. By the time I pulled up to the front of it and put the truck in Park, my breathing had changed. I felt like I had pushed the truck all the way from town instead of driving. I turned to look at her, and when she smiled, I felt it in my heart.

“Welcome home, Mrs. West.” I couldn’t believe the words I was saying. Words I’d never expected to say but sounded really damn good.

I was excited.

Sunny was my wife.

I could almost picture the life we’d share.

Little glimpses of moments spent together popped up in my head. Yet the future was as mysterious as beautiful. Again, instead of freaking the hell out, I was more than ready to embrace the unknown, as long as it was with her.

“Thank you, Mr. West.” She smiled, and I could see a little of her nervous energy start to dissipate.

“Stay there for me, beautiful. Yeah? Give me a minute?” Her eyes widened for a moment before she nodded.

“Okay,” she agreed.

I hopped out and hurried inside. I’d have to thank Clay with a bottle of his favorite bourbon for helping me out and picking up the things I’d asked for without peppering me with a slew of questions. My cousin had come in and rescued the day for me. Quickly, I set everything up, and before the ten minutes were up, I was back outside opening her door. The smile she gifted me when she looked up at me would stick inside my heart until my last days.

“Ready?” I asked, extending my hand for her, and when the softness of her palm touched mine, I swear my dick thickened behind my dress pants. She stepped out, but I only took a step back before turning to face her. With one hand on her hip, the other cupped her face.

“We’re going to walk into our house, sunshine, and I want you to know there is no pressure about doing anything more than me wanting to make you feel good.” I could see the questions in her eyes.

“You don’t want to—" I didn’t let her finish that sentence. Instead, I backed her up against the truck and let her feel exactly what she did to my body.

“That feel like I don’t want you?”

“But if… I mean…” My nose brushed against hers.

“You’re a virgin, sweetheart. I know we just got married, but we also just met. I don’t want to push you into anything you’re not ready for.”

“March, I’m twenty-five.” I fought from wincing. Fuck, I knew she meant it as she was grown, but to me, she was still so damn young. “I haven’t had it easy. I know all about life. And—" She pressed her lips together, and I felt her hand move between us, skating up my chest to touch my jawline. “When I said ‘I do,’ I mean it. I want you, March West.”

I cursed under my breath as I leaned forward and rested my forehead against hers. “You’re not making it easy on me to be a good, patient man for you.”

“You’re already a good man, March. I know that, and you do, too.”

“Baby.” My voice cracked. She was killing me with her sweetness. She had no idea of how fucking calculating I’d been. How I had been okay with the idea of tricking her into getting married with plans of ending it. Not that those were my intentions anymore.

Hell, if I was being honest, I’d known that plan had gone out the goddamn window the moment I laid eyes on her and fell head over ass in love with her.

“You ready to go inside our home, husband?” That sexy little question snapped the small amount of control I had. I picked her up, and she squealed and then giggled as her arms wrapped around my neck.

“March!” She smiled so fucking brightly she put her namesake to shame.

“I got you, baby girl.” And I always would.

I walked us toward the door and carried her over the threshold without looking anywhere else but her face. And fuck me, once again, I wished I had a camera to immortalize the expression on my wife’s face. “March,” she whispered as she took in the space. “What did?—"

“We didn’t have a wedding, but I wanted something special for you tonight. Down the road, we can have a party with my family and invite your best friend into town, if you’d like.”

“This is…” I set her down as she looked at the pearl-white heart-shaped helium balloons bouncing around the living room. “This is… so beautiful.” She giggled. Her hand rose to her lips, and when she turned to look at me, she had tears in her beautiful dark eyes.

“Baby?” I moved right to her and bent a little to look at her at eye level. She sniffled and a tear rolled down her face. I gently brushed it away with the pad of my thumb before it reached her cheek.