
My eyes were pinned on my reflection in the mirror of the ladies’ room inside of Odyssey’s City Hall, and I smiled.

The cute little fifties-inspired white dress I had picked up from a thrift store with Sadie fit me like it had been tailor made for me. The scooped neckline made my breasts look fuller and perkier than they were. There was a satin bow at my waits before the skirt flared out and stopped just below my knees, and it did a great job of making my waist look smaller than it really was and my hips fuller, giving me an hourglass illusion.

My lips were glossy with a soft pink almost nude shade. They were still swollen from the make-out session March and I’d indulged in the night before. The temperature had dropped almost ten degrees, but our overheated skin from the cinch we’d found ourselves in had more than kept us warm.

He could have easily taken it further, and I will be honest, I’d tried. But he shook his head, making a comment about making my other firsts special for me. And I couldn’t wait.

My head tilted, and I watched my straightened hair bounce to the side as I smiled at myself. March had the self-control of a saint. I breathed in and looked down at my phone.

Sadie: If you want to change your mind, you can! It’s never too late. Chage my mind? I smiled and typed out one of the most honest responses I had in a long time.

Me: I’m good. I promise. I’m ready for this. I watched the bubbles pop up, and I knew what my best friend was going to say before she messaged.

Sadie: Sure? He’s practically a stranger, Sun! I picked up the phone and started to type when I deleted it and pulled up her number and called her instead. The phone didn’t finish ringing once before she answered.

“I’m not trying to talk you out of it,” she said without saying hello, making me giggle.

“I know.” I put my makeup back in the small bag before stuffing it into my purse. “He’s a good guy, Sadie.”

“He hardly talked to you for three days!” she reminded me, and I sighed.

“I know. I said he was a good guy, not a perfect one,” I shared with a smile.

“You promise you’re safe? You’re sure about this? Really?”

“Positive. I’m okay, Sadie. March is… so much more than I expected.”

“I know. You sent me a picture! The guy looks like Henry Cavill’s brother,” my bestie teased.

“Funny.” I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face.

“I’m just…” Her voice drifted to nothing, and I knew I’d have to help her out. Sadie was a lot more freaked than I had first thought.

“Worried?” I guessed and heard her agree with me. “If you were the one doing this, I’d probably be freaked the hell out for you, too.”

“If I did what you did, with my luck? I’d probably end up with a seventy-five-year-old man with a basement waiting for me, not some Greek god who’s great with his hands.” We both broke into a fit of giggles because it was probably true.

I loved Sadie to death, but she didn’t have the greatest luck. Especially when it came to matters of the heart. But then again, I hadn’t either, until I took a risk on this whole thing with March.

I’d never had a courageous bone in my body. Even with the awkwardness of the first three days with him, I couldn’t regret the chance I’d taken on this whole thing.

“I can’t believe my best friend is getting married, and I’m not going to be there,” she shared wistfully, making my heart ache.

“I know,” I whispered. I could hardly believe I was doing something so crazy without her there to witness it.

“I don’t even know him.”

“We can FaceTime with you tomorrow,” I offered, and she took me up on it.


“Yeah, babe?”

“If at any moment this good thing isn’t so good, you tell me, and I will get you out of there. Even if I have to max out all my credit cards to fly to you and get a rental for us to drive across the country.” Her offer was genuine, and I knew she would do it. Sadie would drop everything, much the way I would for her.

“Have I ever told you that you’re the best friend a girl could ever have, Sadie Marquez?”