My eyes slid shut at the thought, and the sanguinati gave another throaty chuckle. My heart was pounding so loudly in my chest that it muffled his words.

“Ah, ah, ahhh…,”he warned, pressing into the bottom of my jaw with his dagger, “You either cooperate and keep your eyes open and watch, or I cut your eyelids off and force you.”

My eyes gradually opened to meet his as cold fingers cupped one of my breasts and gave it a hefty jiggle before pinching my nipple.

“These look like alovelyplace to start.”

He breathed in deep as he brought his face down to one of my breasts. His tongue slithered out to give my nipple a teasing lick that made me want to fucking impale myself on a blade just so I wouldn’t have to endure this.

My jaw clenched furiously, my heart fighting so hard against my ribs as though it might actually have a chance of escape.

Not again. Not again. Not again.

Please just kill me now.

Not again.

His grin widened at the sight of tears swelling in my eyes.

“None of that, pet… You don’t get to cry. How many people haveyouslaughtered despite the tears in their eyes, hm? I bet you’ve lost count.”

Admittedly, the male’s logic was faultless.

The sanguinati groaned, burying his face in my breasts as his hands came around to grip my ass and pull my body flush against his. The other fae males watched on in rapt silence. The scent of their arousal cloying. His fangs pressed in slowly against my breast as though he were savoring every sick moment of this, groaning loudly in the back of his throat as they sank in and he began to drink. He ground his hips against me, his cock along with it. Adrenaline pounded through me, blessedly and instantly, dissolving any effects his venom would have had on me.

Tears slipped down my cheek as I strained against the wrought iron shackles in futility.

The sanguinati suddenly reared back, tearing at the laces of my fighting leather trousers. “I’m going to fuck you raw,” he promised hoarsely.

He yanked my trousers down to mid-thigh - as far as they would go with the way I was shackled - and promptly began to unbuckle his own. A long, thin, veiny cock sprang free that he gave a few presumptive pumps. I squeezed my eyes shut as bile crawled up my throat.

As if summoned by my plea for forgiveness, the sound of metal groaning drew our attention to the door on the opposite end of the room.

The sanguinati swiftly tucked himself away as he cursed and began to bark orders to his comrades, who all drew their swords. The sanguinatiwilleda broadsword into his hands and levelled it at my throat as they waited for whatever was about to come barrelling through that door.

Hope burst, sharp and potent, as I felt a fierce tug in my chest just before the iron door went flying off the hinges, crushing the male nearest beneath it.

A towering dark figure stood in the door frame as thunder cracked and lightning illuminated the torrential sky behind him.




My wings held me aloft a turbulent river where Mareina’s night-blooming rose scent abruptly disappeared. The sun had already halfway set, and in less than an hour, The Sentient Forest was consumed by darkness.

How the fuck did she even make it this far?

Sanguinati were fast, but this… It had only been perhaps a twenty-minute head start that I’d given her.

She is not as she seems. Her power strengthens,my Knowingness had whispered.

United, your power will be indomitable.

Its words didn’t surprise me… My power had increased exponentially since Mareina and I had met. I couldn’t imagine how powerful we would be once we’d fulfilled our bond.

I searched my Knowingness for guidance as to where Mareina had gone.