While myolana kah'heiis used to the effect these visions have on me.

The mimicryx was staring up at me with a look of wariness. She’s gagged, bound, and already wearing a palladium collar to suppress her magic chained to a bolt on the floor. Her face hardened with anger and defiance despite the fear that poured off her in waves.

Whoever these bandits were, they hadn’t been kind to her. She was filthy, her clothes torn and bloodstained, even though she bore no visible wounds. Thankfully, palladium collars didn’t suppress the self-healing element of one’s magic. I knew from personal experience.

I’d read that palladium was a metallic element from The Aeternian Realm. Supposedly, it had originally been used to oppress slaves. Frequently injured but always needing their strength and vigor, the palladium allowed them to still heal but kept the rest of their magic just out of reach.

The mimicryx’s white, silvery hair was stringy and matted in parts. Dark circles rang her dark purple eyes. Blood streaked her lilac skin and hair. Two thick curling horns rose from the top of her head, only one of which ended in a wicked point. The other had been bluntly cut clean off at the half.

My chest gave a sympathetic twist. Not only had she survived being hunted down by Zurie’s army, and likelymy soulbound, but she had clearly suffered at the hands of these bandits and gods-knew-who or what else. Used and manipulated for her gifts and mutilated one of her horns when she tried to refuse.

It was well known that the horns of any being possessing them were a point of pride and beauty. A broken horn was seen as a sign of weakness and brought tremendous shame.

I couldn’t help but notice the fire burning in Rayne’s eyes as he looked up at me. Not directed at me but at the sight of her suffering.

I tried to soften my voice as best I could, as though speaking to a frightened, wounded animal.

“I have no desire or intention of bringing you harm…”

Her jaw flexed as she bit into the cloth of her gag that Rayne was untying.

“You cannot imagine how many times I’ve heard that,” she spat, stretching her jaw and licking her lips before a scowl quickly hardened what were otherwise soft, delicate features.

She seemed surprised when Rayne removed the chains binding her at the wrists and ankles. She rose to shaky feet, trying to pull at her torn clothing to adequately cover her mostly exposed body.

Rayne promptlywilledhis cloak into his hands, draping it over her shoulders. The sight of her expression hardening further with distrust reminded me of Mareina.

And the fact thatmy little nightmarewas getting further and further away with each passing second.

A thrill went through me in anticipation of hunting her down. Nearly bursting at the seams to do so, but first…

I nodded at the mimicryx in understanding.

“I’m sorry to hear that. Genuinely.”

She scowled impatiently, rubbing her sore wrists.


Admittedly, a tiny pang of guilt went through me. Indeed, I did have my own ends to meet. Though it would ultimately be in her best interests.

All of our best interests.

“Do you have a home to return to?”

Her brows pinched tightly, almost sneering. Even though Mareina was likely one of Zurie’s soldiers who'd hunted her down and killed many of her loved ones. Yet they had an extraordinary amount in common. Both from tragic, haunting pasts and hardened to distrust at even a gentle hand or a kind word.

“No,” she answered flatly.

Judging by the possessive energy radiating from Rayne, he certainly wouldn’t mind if she joined our family. The rest of them would likely welcome her as well. Especially if my Knowingness was correct in what it whispered to me about her and Rayne.

“I’d like to make you an offer?—


Rayne reached to remove her collar, making her flinch when his skin touched hers. Their eyes met, and her lips parted briefly before her jaw snapped shut again. Rayne hesitated briefly before pulling the collar free from her throat with a tap of his magic. Her eyes slipped shut briefly as she rubbed her neck, her gifts no doubt coursing through as they returned. My heart swelled with empathy.

I know that feeling.