Or remained at the Erosyan temple? To remain a victim?

The fact that I had Malekai… was a gift I may not deserve, but I refused to take it for granted.

Katadamna kaza.




She left.

Within moments of killing the last of the bandits, a crushing sense of absence had settled on my chest like a fucking anvil. Mareina’s magic, the palpably sweet and powerful sensation of her life force energy… Had vanished like fucking smoke on the wind.

At first, I’d panicked, half expecting to turn and find her body prone and lifeless on the ground behind me.

Despite how much I despised mysoulbound,relief filled me as I realized she’d merely tried to escape me… Just as a dark, twisted, sickened part of me had secretly hoped.

Wicked excitement electrified my veins, luring out a dark chuckle. Lokus looked over at me, piquing an eyebrow, as he cleaned off his twin blades. Both of us dripping in our enemies’ blood. The rest of ourolana kah’heiwere busy searching the campground to loot any spoils.

“I can’t determine whether or not you’re actually pleased that yoursoulboundseems to have abandoned you.”

Before I could reply, Pomona cleared her throat behind me.

“Koa… You might wanna come look at this.”

Lokus and I exchanged a worried glance as we followed Pomona through the bandit’s camp to a storage caravan with barred windows. Roderick, still in his lykos form, paced restlessly in front of it with blood still dripping from his grey and white fur. My ears perked at the sound of a furiously beating heart. Pomona pulled open the caravan door for the acrid stench of fear to crash over me.

My senses had become increasingly acute since I’d awoken with Mareina the previous day. And after the adrenaline rush of our little altercation and my drink of her blood, my strength, endurance, and magic had doubled.

I followed Pomona up the caravan’s steps to find Rayne kneeling at the back beside a…

A mimicryx.

My breathing stilled at the sight of her.

They’d all beenexterminatedat the beginning of the war. Or so I thought. Deemed by Zurie too dangerous to let live when they, in their entirety, refused to join her war efforts. They could shift forms as effortlessly as I couldwillclothes on and off my body. Disguise themselves, their scents, their voices as other people with unerring accuracy.

My lips parted as I recognized the fuckinggiftthat was so graciously kneeling before me.

Kismet, my Knowingness whispered.

A series of visions flashed before me, one right after the other.

Mareina stands in a white marble crypt, Zurie impaled on her sword.

Mareina and a blonde fae male laugh together as he draws near and caresses her cheek.

My chest heaves as I stand in front of a pyre of burning bodies on a battlefield. The scent of burning flesh is cloying, and it feels as though I’m already there.

A crone’s gnarled hand presses a blade to my throat as she hovers above my face from where I lay wounded on a cot. Her voice is raspy and deep. Her words feel like oil slicking over water as she spews them through a maw of blackened teeth.

“The blood of a Nephilim will do nicely.”

The vision is ripped away like a curtain in front of a window. The glare of reality is both a relief because I’m not there and terrifying because I know it’s only a matter of time before I am.

Now, with the mimicryx in front of me, it made Mareina's likelihood of killing Zurie and coming out unscathed and myolana kah'heiand I quelling her army that much more fathomable.