It wasn’t too late to return to the palace…

My gut twisted at the idea.

But what other choice do I have?

And Malekai would be there… I wouldn’t have Zurie and her army after me for committing treason. It was the clear,logicalchoice.

The tether between us was doused in tar and set afire, demanding I abandon the idea.

No.I couldn’t be with him. I wouldnotexchange one master for another. He was only using me for some unseen end.

Nakoa’s voice came gently, cutting off my tumultuous train of thoughts. His words, the perfect affirmation.

“Do it swiftly.”

Eyes locked still to the blade at his hip, the whisper of cloth snapped my gaze to where he was peering down at me over his shoulder, a smirk tilting his full lips.


He’s fucking baiting me…

An oily unease seeped into my veins.

Why would he be doing this? It was too easy…

I didn’t bother moving swiftly as I drew the blade from its holster and pressed the blade against the flesh of his neck.

“Good girl,lohane thili.Now do what Zurie sent you here to do.”

Anger and frustration swelled within me.

Regardless of his manipulations, I fuckingneededto do this.

I had to do this.

“All your problems will be solved, Mareina. Just do it.”

Despite the bitter grin tilting his perfect lips, something like heartbreak briefly shuddered his gaze. Keeping the blade pressed against the flesh of his neck, I shifted to stand in front of him.

Do it, Mareina.

In that final second, which seemed to stretch beyond time, the air left my lungs as I watched my door to freedom begin to close.

He opened his mouth to speak. Before his words could form, I dragged the blade across his throat. Blood sprayed across my front. He dropped to one knee, clutching his throat.

This beast that had awakened within me roared its fury in time with the blinding pain that tore through our tether.

A twisted grin spread across his face as his black eyes met mine.

His words came out a half-whisper.

“Look how beautiful you are covered in my blood.”

Tears swelled in my eyes at the sight of him, making his grin spread wider. Despite all the pain and blood loss, he still managed that look of smug male satisfaction.

“See how you need me?”

My words came out forced. A guttural and cracked whisper.