Out of frustration and helplessness.

His groan turned into a growl that had my wetness blooming anew as I licked away the evidence of the tiny wound. The taste of his blood only spurred me on.

He ground his hips against mine, and the sensation of his thick cock slicking a vertical trail across my abdomen had me pulling back. His eyes searched mine for a moment in understanding before he pressed his forehead against mine.

“Thank you…,” he murmured so softly I wasn’t sure I’d heard him correctly.

“For what?”

“For giving me hope.”

My heart pounded a new, equally thumping beat that had nothing to do with arousal.

Nakoa pressed one last kiss to my lips before curling his arms around me as he wove our legs together.

“Sleep, lohane thili.”

Oh, gods…

I was well and truly fucked.

I could take his fire and his hatred. It would only further cement my walls.

But this?

This tenderness?

This tenderness I’d longed for the entirety of my 120 years in this realm… I would be powerless against it.




For the second night in a row, I’d slept deeper than I ever had because my mate was in my arms. The guilt at the realization of that left me feeling like my stomach was trying to digest gravel. It was a betrayal. This woman had slaughtered thousands of my fellow soldiers… Had played a heavy hand in wiping out the majority of our population. Destroying and exploiting our lands.

I’d forced myself to approach her with tender touches and kisses in the hopes of gaining her trust. All the while assuaging my guilt by telling myself it was so that I could reclaim my home for my people. Liberate us all from exile.

And instead, I’d felt my own resolve in maintaining my hatred towards her dissolving like a fucking sand castle on the shore.

And it was fucking terrifying.

My mother’s story of Lysander, now more famously known as Kahlohan, and Akela’s story kept inconveniently pushing at the forefront of my mind every time I tried to steel my emotions and my heart against her.

You have tortured and killed more of her comrades than you count,my Knowingness spat at me.

I wilfully ignored the reminder.

And that look…

The way she had looked up at me… Like she had never before experienced such intimacy and tenderness… That, too, ate me up inside because as much as I loathed to admit it… My soul ached to give that to her.

It also made me wonder what in the fuck was the nature of her relationship with that blonde fae I couldn’t stand the fucking sight of.

Another inconvenient truth that my Knowingness had thrust upon me, coupled with the history lesson in relation to herorigins…I knew that Mareina had long been dying to liberate herself from the oppression of Zurie’s tasks. She could be… a powerful ally… If I’d only allow her to be… She was destined to be my Queen… Another fact made me sick to my fucking stomach.

While Mareina remained sleeping soundly in my tent… I’d spent the morning explaining the truth of the situation and the aforementioned details to myolana kah’hei.I’d expected far more pushback from them. The only one who seemed, at least openly, resentful was Lokus. Which came as no surprise. Though the fact that she was mylohane thilihad him biting his tongue. That and the fact I’d threatened him bodily harm if he spoke against her. If anyone was going to make her atone for her sins, it would be me and no one else. Thankfully, he left without argument or incident and set off ahead of us to scout the road we’d be travelling for bandits.