Guilt, sharp and sudden, speared through me.

She truly hadn’t wanted my mark.

But the deep, rich, velvety taste of her was already spilling down my throat, and I was beyond stopping at this point. My error laid not only in the fact that I had done this against her will but now that I had gotten my first gulp of her blood… I knew I would crave it for the rest of my days.

Why did it have to beher?

Never had I claimed another female in this way. Nor had any desire to. This was purely instinctual, and everything screamed itsrightnessas loudly as the wretchedness of it.

With the venom now pumping through her veins, a soft moan spilled from her throat. One of unmistakable pleasure. I willed myself to calm, taking in deep breaths, trying to maintain my grip on the singular thread of my sanity.

Her blood continued trickling into my mouth as my eyes travelled down the length of her front, where I could see the aching points of her nipples from beneath the fabric of the dress she’d worn the night before.

Her breaths turned to pants, and her chest expanded as though straining for my touch. I caressed up the curve of her heavy bosom to its turgid peak, clearly begging for my attention. I tugged down one side of the bust of her dress, exposing her breast that gave a mouthwatering jiggle at the action. My palm grazed over the hardened, dark pink tip before teasing it back and forth with my thumb.

“Oh, fuck…,”she cried out softly, nails digging into my forearm barred around her waist as her hips gave a mindless thrust against the saddle and, incidentally, my cock from where it was still being strangled by the left fucking pant leg of my trousers. The pinching discomfort from that alone tethered me slightly back to reality.

I heaved a sigh through my nose, forcing myself to release her. I licked and sucked away the few drops of blood escaping from the rapidly healing wound, though I magicked it so that a scar would remain. I knew she might not be entirely appreciative of it just yet, but that was justtoo fucking bad.

“You belong to me, Mareina,” I growled near her ear, my words coming out harsher than I intended.

She craned her neck up to look at me. Her gaze belying her hatred for me.

“Only one male hasthe right to claim me. And it isn’t fucking you.”

Now that she knew I’d seen her lover, she had no reason to try and cover up the fact. Jealousy and anger burned through me, but I buried it beneath a malevolent grin.

“Lie like that again… You’d look fucking gorgeous with a gag.”

Her eyes narrowed at me briefly before she struck and sank her fangs into me, only to rip out a chunk of my flesh.

I grunted at the searing pain, expecting her to spit it out, but instead, she swallowed it along with a strip of my linen shirt.

This female is a fucking animal.

It only served to broaden my grin and intensify my arousal.

I chuckled, looking down at the gaping, shredded wound on my right pectoral.

“Yet again, you’ve completely misjudged me. Violence is my love language,maha mo’ina li’ili.”

She seethed, holding my gaze as my blood dripped down her chin. The sight alone had my resolve against her crumbling further; gods damn her.

Her eyes narrowed, dipping to the cloth in my fist.

“You wouldn’t fucking da?—

Faster than she could track, especially with the binds suppressing her magic, I gripped the ends of the cloth with both hands and firmly tugged it against her mouth until her jaws opened. She screamed in protest through the gag, nails digging into the flesh of my arms as I tied it securely.

“Shhhhh. You wouldn’t wanna fall off Pumpkin and hurt yourself now, do you?”

Unintelligible expletives hurtled out of her as I finished tying the gag and barred my arm against her waist, her legs draped over my thigh.

“When you decide to be a good girl again, I’ll happily remove it.”

The last of the sun’s pink and purple rays shone over the horizon as we drew near the meeting point where myolana kah’heiand I would begin our journey.

Mareina was still wearing the gag, but the idea of anyone having the privilege of witnessing her vulnerability outside of me set my blood aflame with rage. Not to mention, her jaw would be sore by now.