I couldn’t help but dart glances at his glistening muscles, shifting with each movement. Guilt churned my stomach at the thought of Malekai even though I’d always kept a solid boundary in place, but…

If he wasn’t on his way to Vyssini, he’d probably be sating his lusts at Satia Fama even now,I quickly reminded myself.

Still, I forced myself to look away as I made quick work of scrubbing myself, paying particular attention to the cum that had dried to my face. Frustration and fury fisted my chest.

How the fuck was I going to get out of this?

Currently, I was bound. My magic was suppressed. The only chance I had at escape would be if I convinced him to unbind me becausehoppingmy way to freedom didn’t seem like a viable option.

And the only way I could gain his trust, which…now…now that he seemed to have softened slightly towards me after having witnessed a great many of theeventsthat had sculpted me into the female I am now… It seemed a little more of a possibility.

But how?

It would take us at least three or four days to reach Vyssini…

Even with his meresimmering resentment,it still seemed highly unlikely that I could gain his trust by then, but… Just as I’d learned throughout the course of my career as Zurie’s Irae….

Lustcould make fools of even kings.




Bathing beside Mareina had been a quick, silent endeavor. Albeit painful. I’d experienced what one could only consider was the worst the emotional spectrum had to offer and now it had left me with a tremor in my hands.

Rage at those who had dared to violate her.My soulbound.

Griefat all the loved ones she had lost.

Guilt…Her own for all the atrocities she had committed, and mine for how I had treated her.

Shame…Both her own and mine for how I had treated her.

And lastly…


Because who the fuck was that blonde fae fucker?

He saved her life. You owe him gratitude.

I promptly shoved that little fact away.

That was the male she loved. The one who was no doubt waiting for her to return.

I stifled the anger, tightening my muscles. Despite all my lingeringresentmenttowards her, I needed her trust…

Her affection.

I needed her to fulfil the bond with me.

And, most of all, kill Zurie.

Claiming her bodyphysicallywas only one aspect of that. I need her to swearthesoulbound’s vowto me.

Only then would my power…our power…reach its zenith.