As if that settled it, he brought the underside of his forearm to his mouth and bit into the thick, muscled flesh. The scent of his blood nearly consumed me, thick with the scent of the earth, a hint of sweetness like amber, and something else I couldn’t quite place my finger on but smelled familiar nonetheless.

His blood trickled onto the floor with a steadydrip, drip, driplike the ticking of long seconds as I forced myself to remain still.

“I will force you if I have to. I will not have you slowing us down.”

He growled, stepping forward and thrusting his arm closer to my mouth. I reared back.

His brow hardened as though offended.

“I’m not going to hit you…”

“That’s not what I’m worried about.”

“Is it the venom’s effects you’re concerned with? Is there some lover waiting for you back in Bastrina?”

I looked up to meet his gaze and found myself momentarily mesmerized by the blackening of his eyes. His voice dropped to a low growl as he squatted in front of me, bringing his face to eye level with mine.Was he jealous?

“Is there actually someone back home pining over that blackened heart of yours?”

I didn’t respond. I wasn’t about to give Malekai another enemy.

A sinister grin split Nakoa’s face as he swiftly pinned me beneath him. Pinning my arms above my head. Fighting against him was a useless endeavor. His head dipped to my neck, inhaling deeply.

“I don’t smell a male on you…”

His hardening length pressed against the front of my fighting leathers.

“But even if you do, you’ll never see him again.You’re mine.”

“I willneverbe yours,”I rasped, my vision beginning to sway.

Something hard and punishing coiled around my waist. My eyes dipped to find histail.

His fangs sank into the flesh of his free arm more viciously than the first time, making blood splatter onto my face from above before he pressed the bleeding wound against my lips.

I managed to resist for all of a singular fucking heartbeat before my fangs tore into his flesh like a beast starved. Arousal burst through me, hot and swift as my venom and his blood flowed. A crooked, satisfied grin that curled one corner of his scarred mouth. The tether between us pulled tighter, and needburnedthrough me, causing a whimper to escape as I swallowed gulp after gulp of his blood.

“I can smell your desire, Mareina… Are you desperate to feel the pounding thrusts of my cock?”

Nakoa’s length was already firmly against clit through our clothes as he ground against me. A moan tore from my throat. Smug male satisfaction seeped onto his features.


I would not give him this.

Thankfully, Malekai had made me feel, and I was able to force my mouth away from his arm. I spat a mouthful of his own blood on his face.

“Never,” I hissed.

Nakoa chuckled, licking his lips and wiping the blood from his face with his free palm. His other hand and tail still pinning me to the bed.

“Is that so? I bet if I touched your pussy it would be soaking fucking wet.”

He didn’t wait for the moment it would have taken me to deny it. He simply willed away the trousers of my fighting leathers and thrust his fingers through my slick folds. A cry tore from my throat as I attempted to wrench my hips away from him, but his tail had me so firmly pinned beneath him that my efforts only served to thrust my hips against his hand.

“Get your fucking hands off me, or I swear to the gods?—

Nakoa’s hand came down with a firm slap that landed directly on my clit, drawing a humiliating whimper from me. He held his hand aloft to examine the slickness glistening from his fingers, even spreading his index and middle finger to see the clear fluid of my arousal stretch and drip between his fingers. Hot-faced shame and fury burned my cheeks as he gave a cruel chuckle.