I shook my head, scrubbing another hand down my face.

“You’ll be glad for it,” she promised, grinning mischievously as she strode away.

The sound of Peanut’s and Bellona’s nails against the wood of the porch disappeared, and a certain silence rang in the air. I didn’t have to look behind me to know they’d already left— via portal.




Time went by at a glacial pace as I watched from where I laid on the floor, the light of day brightening with the noonday sun as my hope darkened. During which, I found my thoughts oscillating between two things. Two people, rather.

Malekai… And Nakoa.

Talons of regret sank in deep at the thought of never seeing Malekai again.

Would he come for me?

I knew the answer wasabso-fucking-lutely.

But Zurie had given me five days… And unless Nakoa planned on leaving me here to rot, we would be leaving for…

My breath caught.


If… If Nakoa brought me with them to Vyssini, I could escape. And then I would have not only Malekai’s protection but an army of 30 soldiers to shield me from Nakoa’s wrath…

Though it didn’t solve the problem of being bound to the male by my very soul.

The sound of footsteps coming back down the hall pricked my ears and renewed the thumping of my heart. Both in dread and, admittedly, excitement.

Gods, I’m unhinged.

I quickly stood, my entire right side numb, and hopped my way over to the bed. I’d be damned if I’d let him see me lying in a puddle of my own tears. As if I’d been so easily defeated. I swiped at my mussed-up hair and perched on the side of the bed.

Fuck, what I would give for a bath. For the reprieve of hot water.

I couldn’t exactlywillmy clothes away… And being forced to wear wet leather was a special kind of torture all its own. I seriously doubted Nakoa would take any compassion on me to dry them.

The door swung open behind, Nakoa’s presence hovering there for a few silent moments. When he said nothing, I twisted to look at him. He’d glamored himself again, stifling his magic from me and hiding his true form. I ignored the pang of disappointment I felt at it.

My voice came out harsh and cutting.


His came out gruff and… Sullen?

“You need to feed, no?”

My fangs ached with the desire to taste his blood, and the tether between us practically writhed with demand.

I managed to shake my head. “I just fed last night.”

Nakoa strode into the room to stand in front of me. His expression grim.

“We will leave for Vyssini soon. You will need your strength.”