My brow furrowed deeper as I scoured my memory banks.

“But… Wait… Kahlohan was the one who led them to victory...”

Her smile grew ear to ear.

“Indeed, he did. But before he was Kahlohan, he was Lysander. The lykos was his wife, Akela.”

My jaw dropped.

“I’m sorry… What?”

She chuckled. “So many millennia later, everyone likes to forget Khalohan’s origin…”

“How have I never heard about this?”

“Well… It doesn’t exactly serve anyone’s narrative. Nor inspire a warrior’s bloodlust, does it?”

I reeled. Just when I thought my mind couldn’t possibly be any more blown.

I’d always idolized Kahlohan. He won the war against the fae and saved… hisadoptedpeople.My people.

“So you see,ku’kane..… No one is beyond redemption.”

I couldn’t help the frown carving its way onto my face.

“Gods damn it,”I grumbled, more to myself than anyone else.

My mother reached over and rubbed my shoulder.

“What’s the matter, darling? Did you think that hating your ownpoa haneiwould somehow solve all your problems?”


I released a dramatic groan, palming my face in my hands. She only chuckled again, rubbing my back and making Bellona growl with neglect.

My logical mind also reminded me that my father was fae.Iwas half-fae. Something I’d always kind of resented.

“What was my father like again?”

The question took my mother aback. Taking her off guard was something that rarely occurred. She often knew what was coming long before it happened. She took a deep breath, exhaling as she seemed to formulate an answer.

“He was… A powerful male. Kind. Quick to overwhelm with emotion. And naive…”

I had heard most of these things before. I always asked to be reminded that he was a good male and not like the other fae I’d come across or held power over Atratus. The last part, however, I hadn’t known.

“Naive?” I asked, surprised.

She chuckled sadly. “Yes. Naive. He was very trusting. Often took people who didn’t deserve it for their word. Put his trust in people. When he found himself betrayed, he seemed to go through cycles of grief. Sadness. Resentment… Anger. He had a rather fiery temper. He generally erred on the side of compassion but could be prone to… detonation…,” she chuckled a little wistfully, “He could burn whole cities down with his rage.”

I heaved a sigh, lingering in the weight that pressed on my chest at his absence. My mother studied me for a moment, reading me like a book and therefore changing the subject.

“Don’t worry… Your journey to Vyssini will change things with Mareina… The sooner you can forgive her, the easier it will be, and the sooner we can get this show on the road.”

I gave her a bored look. Somehow, shealwayssucceeded in leaving me with more questions than answers.

“You sure you can’t spare us the trouble of having to ride the two days it takes to reach you? ”

Her lips quirked up in a knowing grin. “I am, indeed.”