‘I’m sure she’s got a kink for every single one of your qualities.’

My heart pounded a furious beat as I paced restlessly in my room.

My plan to terrify her by revealing my form had backfired because not only had it intensified the bond for her between us by lifting my glamor but for me as well.

My skin itched as though stretched too tight over the shuddering muscles of my body with the need to claim her.

Iwilledmy pyjama trousers away and stood beneath the shower, praying the hot water would help soothe this beast within me. Instead, with each passing moment, my need for her only increased.


I growled angrily, finally resorting to stroking my cock that was heavy and throbbing with neglect. I tried desperately to visualize previous lovers, but each time I did, their faces would linger for all of a second before they morphed into Mareina’s. I hadn’t seen her naked, yet, somehow, I could conjure with perfect clarity the dusky hue of her nipples that my tongue salivated to taste and tease. The glistening of her pretty pink pussy. How it would clench around and grip my cock as it stretched her and demanded her channel to accommodate me. How she would moan and writhe beneath me as I made her submit to me.

My cock pulsed ropes of my cum down the drain, and I watched, feeling a little of my willpower to resist her go with it.

Gods damn it.

I’m going to lose my mind at this rate,I thought to myself as I stepped out onto the porch with Peanut and Bellona, waiting for my mother. She always took care of them when I had to leave town.

“She’s fucking wretched, isn’t she?” I grumbled to Peanut sourly, brushing her fur as we sat on the porch swing. Bellona, having already been brushed, laid curled up in my lap.

Bellona huffed her agreement as Peanut turned her head, licking my hands and forearms. She’d love a toad if it so much as looked in her direction.

My gaze caught on Pumpkin as she moseyed along a nearby hill, grazing on wildflowers and grass as I sighed absently.

“Hatred and denial are not becoming of you,ku’kane.”

Ku’kane. My son.

Peanut and Bellona promptly leapt up and rushed toward my mother, clamouring off of the swing to shower my mother with affection.

I turned to find her walking towards the steps. She looked as though she were only in her fifties despite being nearly triple that, thanks to all her magic and potions. She had long silvery salt and pepper hair and dark blue eyes, delicate and ethereal features… Unlike me. I’d taken after my father, apparently.


She remained silent for a few moments, knowing exactly what I was referring to.

Why is she my soulbound?

Why does it have to be my greatest enemy?

Why does it have to be someone Ishouldhate?

“Everyone and everything in this life is a teacher, my love. Just as I have helped teach you how to survive and thrive in this world, you have taught me a great many things.Like patience.”

My gaze bounced to hers to find a grin curling her lips.

“There is a reason whyAkashwould guidethe fatesto weave your souls together. WhyAkashwould choose the both of you, together, to lead Atratus into a new era of peace… Against all odds.”

I remained silent for several moments as I mulled over the wisdom in her words… My mother’s abilities to scry through time and place were unlike any I’d ever witnessed before. I’d always assumed it was what had lent me my Knowingness.

She’d probably witnessed Mareina’s entrance into my life long before it had ever actually come to pass.

“I imagine you’re already aware of the fact that she’s the Royal Irae? That she fought in the war for Zurie… That shepersonallycontributed to the genocide of our people…”

My mother heaved a heavy, sad sigh, cuddling Bellona in her arms as she smiled knowingly and turned her gaze towards me.

“She also risked her life to save a human…,” I added reluctantly.