”Well, whatever your plans for me, they’re irrelevant. I don’t have any information for you to torture out of me if that’s what you were hoping. Soon enough, it’ll be Zurie you’re begging for death from.”

The fight seemed to have drained out of her at my news. I shifted off of her to lean back against the wall.

“Myplans for you are entirely relevant to Zurie, I’m afraid…”

Somehow I would make her loyal to me. So loyal she would kill her Queen.

That finally drew her attention back to mine, eyes narrowing.

“However, logic warrants my discretion… Despite the fact you’re Zurie’s Irae, and I should have already killed you…”

“If you plan to use me against her, you’ll be sorely disappointed. Zurie cares about as much for my life as you do.”

Her words struck an odious cord in me… Surprisingly pained by the idea that Mareina was nothing more than a weapon for Zurie to wield. Not that it was surprising.

“You might be surprised to learn that I ampersonallyinvested in your life.”

Her lip curled as she sat up, making my senses prick in warning.

“And why would that be? Do you plan to sell me off as someone’s bed slave for a handsome sum to fund yourendeavors?”

The idea tore a harsh laugh from my throat.

“Mo’ina li’ili,I wouldn’t wish that fate upon even my greatest enemies… But the idea has merit. Reason andfatewould have it that I keep you as my own bed slave. You are mysoulbound,after all.”

Her jaw dropped, and her eyes rounded so wide it was almost comical. She remained silent for several moments, searching for the truth in my words…


A response.

So I stood and removed the glamor shielding my true form and my magic, and thusly any wavering doubt.




Icraned my head up to where Nakoa had risen; the entirety of Nakoa’s eyes bled to black. Into what I could only describe as twin pools of midnight glittering beneath the moonlight.

The air around him rippled as his magic unfurled and crashed over me like a tsunami, swallowing me whole… The energy around him hummed and vibrated, making every molecule stand in awe…

Something like…Recognition…had my lips parting as he quite literallystole my breath.

Thatthingthat seemed to bind us flared and throbbed so deeply it stole my breath. Swiftly burning away any doubt that I’d had against his declaration that I was hissoulbound.

A pair of dark umber wings emerged from behind him and spread wide, the span of which stretched from one side of the room to the other. A long, thick tail reached towards me and curled itself around my ankle. My eyes dipped to it, and thanks to that traitorous tether, my heart fluttered at the gesture. I thoroughly extinguished the sensation.

Nakoa frowned at the appendage, and as though it were a guilty pup, it retreated, coiling around his thickly muscled thigh.

An icy dread seeped into my veins.

Not at his form.

No, his form was… Admittedly, breathtaking. Despite my hatred for this male, simply taking him in had caused a certain heat to blossom low within me that I refused to acknowledge.

The dread I felt was the fact that I was impossibly destined to be with thisAkash-forsaken male.