The sight of both her blood and being helplessly bound beneath me brewed a twisted melange of satisfaction, guilt, and arousal. A bizarre and wholly unfamiliar need nearly consumed me. The need to sink my fangs into her andmarkher.

“I fucking hate you,”she growled before lobbing a wad of bloody spit at my face that landed directly on the apple of my scarred cheek.

A chuckle of dark delight swelled at my little nightmare’s boldness.

And her naiveté.

Her character judgment was woefully deficient if she’d deemed me sane enough to be offended by the act. With my free hand, I wiped at the saliva sliding a trail down my face, bringing it to my mouth, and hummed my satisfaction.

“Mmmmmmm… Fucking delicious.”

Her breath caught, and the unmistakable scent of her arousal curled through the air. It smelled like her but…richer,like night-blooming roses. Her delicate scent starkly contrasted the wretched creature I was coming to know.

I promptly pushed away the arousal stirring low in my gut in an attempt to clear my head.

“I need you to answer a few questions, and if you’re a girl girl, maybe I’ll reward you.”

Her scowl hardened.

“Fuck you.”

A bitter laugh burst from me before I leaned in and whispered in her ear, indulging myself in justonemore lungful of her scent.

“Mareina,I wouldn’t stick my dick in that wretched fucking cunt of yours if you fucking begged me to.”

Liar,some heinous voice inside me whispered that I dutifully ignored.

I’d expected… No,hopedto wound her with my words, but again, she seemed… entirely unfazed by them. She merely gave a mirthless chuckle.

“So kidnapping is where you draw the line?”

I didn’t bother answering her question. I needed to knowwhichof my endeavors Zurie had rooted out so that I could warn myolana kah’heiand potentially The Uprising members.

“Why did Zurie send you to me?”

She remained silent.Fine.I didn’t need her words. I’d read her like a fucking book regardless.

“If she sent you after me, that means Zurie either found out that myolana kah’heiand I are the reason all those Lords and Ladies who’ve been disappearing or ending up dead. The ones who have been helping theminori.”

Lessers.As degrading as it sounded, it was merely the term for the less magically inclined of the wielders, who were often forced into either becoming indentured servants or taking low-paying jobs that required manual labor. Even though Zurie had inspired them all to help her win the war with the promise of makingaetraaffordable and accessible to them.Lies.

Mareina’s expression revealed nothing. This was likely what had led Zurie to me.

A smug grin curled my lips in anticipation as I proceeded. And in finding no small amount of satisfaction in the fact that my very lifestyle and career choice since the war had ended was no doubt everything this female and Zurie had fought against and failed to thwart.

How would I ever convince her to betray Zurie?

“Orshe found out I’m the leader of The Uprising.”

Mareina’s jaw dropped. And some victorious feeling swelled within me as I waited for heinous insults and threats to spill from her lips - the same ones I’d heard that Orisha cunt glued to Zurie’s hip spout at every public forum.


None came. She only studied me with…awe.

“Aren’t you going to say something like… How did you so eloquently put it earlier?…You’re going to rip me apart with your teeth until I beg you for death?”

She took a deep breath, eyes dipping to some distant, unfocused point. Based on her expression, you’d think I’d just proven to her we were living in a simulation. She absently tortured her lips with her teeth before finally replying.