Queen Zurie?What in the actual fuck?

Every one of The Uprising’s members had been sworn to secrecy in a blood vow. There was no way she could have discovered such a thing. And it’s not like the Lords who ended up dead in our raids would talk to her beyond the grave. Though that seemed more likely a reason than the former…

But even more importantly?—

This female before me that, without a shadow of a doubt, was mysoulboundwas The Royal Irae for the person I hated most in the realm. She was basically her fucking glorified henchwoman.

A mirthless laugh began to bubble up at the twisted irony of it.

My little nightmare, indeed.

Her features contorted as she watched my laughter grow, gradually dying as anger and hurt twisted in my gut - at whom I wasn’t even sure.

Akash? The gods?

I should have fucking run the moment I’d laid eyes on her.

But I’d been helpless to that, too.

If it was anyone other than mysoulbound,I’d fucking end them here and now. Do the realm a favor and and wipe her from it.

Because of her, you will be King.

I growled internally at the reminder.

It was unimaginably cruel to imagine that mysoulboundwould be among my worst enemies. Mareina had likely even already killed some of the members of The Uprising.

No,my Knowingness swiftly replied, making a tiny portion of my anger less vehement.

“Did you fight in the war?”

Her mouth thinned, already knowing that we may very well have fought on the same battlefields.

A vision flashed before me in the fleeting second of her hesitation.

Mareina drives her sword so fiercely into the gut of a Kahlohani warrior that his large body is lifted from the ground.

Ice flooded my veins in the wake of the fleeting image.


The vision, along with that singular word, were like knives twisting in my gut. I released her like I’d been burned by the mere touch of her.

My voice came out a growl.


Her lip curled at being spoken to like a fucking dog, but it’s not like she had much choice in the matter.

I stood, pacing beside the bed.

After having witnessed two visions of her committing such extraordinary acts of violence, paired with the fact she was Zurie's Irae, suddenly made my vision of her killing Zurie like such a simple solution. Perhaps we wouldn't evenneedThe Uprising to accomplish the task. The future was within reach. The throne was just a breath away from my grasp.

Perhaps her being the Irae was agift.

Still, this female had killed my countrymen. Likely even my friends and family. It was a wonder we hadn’t crossed paths before, considering the Kahlohani Army hadn’t exactly been massive. There had only been maybe 60,000 us against Zurie’s 120,000. Despite that, we had been so close to winning. Until Miroslav, Zurie’s personal seer had appeared. We had all but been exterminated and forced to surrender. Though, by some miracle, many of my loved ones had survived. Though they had long passed now. No thanks to Mareina’s efforts.

I was furious;thiswas the female I had been haunted by all these years.