Oh, my gods.

I was going to fuckingmurderMiroslav. Right after I murdered this lying, conniving, opportunistic, arrogant?—

Bright spots dotted my vision as drowsiness, unlike anything I’d ever experienced, consumed me. My limbs grew heavy and leaden and muscles began to loosen, my knees to buckle.

Faster than a human eye could see, Nakoa leapt towards me, prying the blade from my hand with ease, and caught me just as my knees buckled out from underneath me.

“Mareina…What in the fuck?—

Panic seared my veins as I was drug further beneath a hungry wave of dizziness and disorientation.


This was it… He’d somehow tricked me. This is how I was going to die.

I summoned the last dregs of my energy and muscle control,willingmy blade back into my hand and thrust it into his chest.

Or at least attempted to.

I’d failed to pierce his chest plate, and instead, the blade had gone no further than the thick bulk of his pectoral.

Nakoa’s brow merely lifted in surprise briefly at where I’d stabbed him, not even flinching, and began to chuckle.

As if he weren’t even remotely surprised.

The sound grew deep and distorted, as did his words, before I fell entirely unconscious.

“My beautiful little nightmare…”




Still burrowed deeply in sleep’s warm embrace, the sensation of something beautiful blossomed in my chest, like the soft petals of a fragrant rose, stirring the thick haze of my mind. Vaguely, I began to recognize the weight of a large hand pressed against my belly.

The heat radiating from a broad chest pressed against my back... and that of a deliciously thick erection along my core caused my hips to writhe gently against it.

Oh gods, yes. Malekai.

The hand on my stomach shifted to grip my hip, thrusting softly against my movements.

A deep, husky voice murmured against my shoulder, nipping, licking, and biting in a way that instantly sent my toes curling and my core flooding with need… But this voice wasn’t the smooth, velvety baritone of Malekai… This was gravel and whiskey and?—

“Mmmmmm, lohane thili…”

Recognition and awareness washed over me, making my eyes burst open as adrenaline flooded my body and memories flooded my mind. Followed by panic and rage.

Nakoa’s long, heavily muscled arm tucked me tightly against him, groaning.

“Please, just a little longer...”

Kidnap her.

I rolled to mount him, eager to strangle him with my bare hands, only to discover that they were bound, along with my ankles. Because of this, he easily pinned me beneath him. The hard length of him straining against his pyjama trousers as he sat atop me and pinned my bound hands to my chest.

Fury swelled and rose within me like a fiery tsunami. I called upon my magic towillthe bindings away, only for it to remain just out of grasp. My voice became an otherworldly growl, fangs lengthening.