“Ah, ok, so kidnapping her will resolve that.”

The scowl on my face deepened.

“Well, I’m all ears if you have any better suggestions.”

Pomona exhaled heavily.

“Just be honest with her. She might be feeling the same way you are. And you'd never know because you think simplytalkingto her is toocrazy,”she went on, tone still dripping with sarcasm, “so the solution is surely to kidnap her… If you lose more than an eye in the process, I can’t promise not to laugh.”

She strode over from the window, giving me a quick pat on the shoulder. “I’ll warn the boys so they can brace themselves.”

Pomona folded away, leaving me no room to argue.

I groaned, sagging back into the bed.

Well, fuck.




“… S

o the solution is surely to kidnap her… If you lose more than an eye in the process, I can’t promise not to laugh.”

My heart pounded its betrayal against my ribcage. The pain in my shoulders so intense it had my jaw clenching.

You barely know the male… Why would you expect anything less?

I cursed at myself internally for having so foolishly thought he might actually have been adecentfucking male. That this tangible thing I felt between us, pulling me to him, was…real.That I would be killing someone who would be not only missed but perhaps even deserved to be in this world. Someone who might make it a better place simply by having been a part of it.

As I’d laid in that bath, trying to talk myself into doing it… It had given me a visceral, painful reaction that stole my breath away. Just imagining following through with it for the last several hours since we’d arrived had made me feel like I was suffocating.

Now, whatever wavering doubt I’d had in carrying out Zurie’s task was gone. I willed my blade into my hand, reaching for the door handle, ready to burst through and do it the satisfying way. Until I’d heardherwords, whoevershewas, I’d planned on… Feeling things out on our journey to Vyssini. I hadn’t been planning onnotkilling him…

Now, on the other hand, I wasmorethan fucking ready.

I’d all but forgotten it… I hesitated for a few more moments before finally deciding that it was a risk I was willing to take. Surely, if the Miroslav wanted me dead… All he had to do waswillit so. The memory of watching hundreds, if not thousands, of soldiers at a time dropping to the ground the moment he stepped on the battlefield was something that haunted me to this day. There was nothing brutal or gory about it. It had been silent and swift. He would simplyfoldonto the battlefield,willtheir collective deaths, and in less than a breath later, he would be gone again. Only a great silence following in his wake.

Releasing the door handle, I willed the vile into my hand, studying the seemingly innocuous pale blue fluid in it for a few fleeting moments before finally flicking off the cork and downing its contents.

Grip tightening on my blade, I took a deep breath before gently swinging open the door as I willed an opaque barrier into place to keep his dogs out. My heart gave a painful clench at the thought they would no longer have a father. Perhaps I could take them with me…

The sight of Nakoa merely sitting up in bed, breath held and studying me intently as I approached the bed almost made me laugh. Surprise flickered as though he thought I’d decided to join him in his sheets.

Until I allowed my blade to come into view… Whether or not they actually deserved it, Iusuallygave Zurie’s targets a fighting chance.

He merely piqued his brow at me as though I were dressed as a clown and not as the murderer I was, in my fighting leathers, only served to further fan the flames of my--

My vision suddenly swayed in time with the whirl of my equilibrium.

What the fuck?

I felt like the floor had shifted into an undulating wave.

The vile.