“I’m sure the glamor has something to do with that.”

I nodded my agreement. “To some extent, probably.”

“So remove it. Reveal your true form.”

My chest tightened with anxiety. “Bad idea.”

The few females I’d been in relationships with over the years had never appreciated my true form. Because they cared for me, they might have tried to pretend otherwise, but… Their initial reactions had been... A little humbling, to put it mildly. And I couldn’t blame them. I looked uncannily similar to something that could have been birthed in a hell realm.

“Maybe it’s time to… As yourleath-anama,I’m sure she’s got a kink for every single one of your qualities. I bet she’s secretly dying to lick every one of those pretty scars.”

I huffed a mirthless laugh. “I’m pretty sure she’d rather cut her tongue on a rusted bread knife.”

“I’ve offered to escort her tomorrow. Thatweescort her tomorrow.”

Pomona’s brows leapt again.

“What? Where? And what about Vyssini?”

“Back to Bastrina, but I have no intention of letting her leave us once we arrive in Vyssini. She’ll stay.”

“Letting her leave?”


“Does she even have a choice in the matter?”

“She’s my fuckingsoulbound.Neither of us do.”

She chuckled. “I doubt she’ll share, much less appreciate, your sentiment.”

“So what’s your plan? We head to Vyssini with her… And then what?”

“I convince her to stay with me.”

“And if she remains unconvinced?”

“She will be convinced… but in the impossible scenario she isn’t… I’ll just…”

Pomona’s brows leapt. “You’ll just what?”

“I’ll fucking tie her up if I have to. She’ll thank me for it eventually.”

Pomona gave me a pitiful look, shaking her head.

“You are… unhinged.”

“We already know this. But I have some redeeming qualities, no?”

Pomona sighed.

“Aye. That you do, brother. I’m just having a hard time imagining her actually recognizing them if you’ve gagged and bound her.”

“I didn’t say anything about gagging her,” I mumbled as that exact image flashed in my mind, making my cock twitch.

Pomona simply shook her head with pity.

“It’s not as if I can very well explain any of this to her. She’ll think I’m deranged or just trying to take advantage of her. The female has trust issues.”