
Fate could truly be a wicked thing.

As I stared up at the ceiling, beggingAkashto help me sleep, a familiar magic drifted over to me. I heaved a great sigh of relief at the welcome distraction, pointing to the neatly divided mountain of riches sitting in the corner of the room.

“The loot’s just there,” I murmured as I absently pointed in its direction.

Pomona had a rare gift that enabled her tofoldthrough space and time.Withoutthe aid ofaetra. Out of principle and loyalty to me, none of myolana kah-heitookaetra. And thankfully, they were all powerful enough in their own ways to not need it. They had strengthened and honed their gifts, in addition to being naturally formidable. Like Roderick, when in his gigantic wolf form, was one of the largest Lykos males I’d ever seen.

Though Pomona had limitations in her ability tofold.A limit as to how far she could travel, and she could only ever travel alone or with inanimate objects. From what she’d told me, she'd only tried once to fold with another person… And they’d merely… disappeared entirely, never to be found again.

That person had been her brother.

She’d only been 19. A few short years before I’d met her.

It was a scar, a guilt, that weighed heavily on her despite her perennially effusive love, warmth, and lightheartedness.

“Who is she?”

Pomona’s question held no hint of jealousy. Only curiosity. She was like a little sister to me. I’d killed her abusive father, who was another wealthy lord, during a raid twenty years ago. Long before we’d started The Uprising. And in all our years together, she had never seen me behave with a female like I had with Mareina.

I sat up in bed as she strode over to lean against the windowsill beside my bed. Her unruly, fiery, red hair glowed like a bloody halo from the moons illuminating the window.

“I…,” I hesitated, wondering if I should tell her already. My Knowingness firmly replied with a resoluteyes.

“She’s … the female from that fucking nightmare.”

Pomona’s smirk split into a grin. Her Reilandish accent thick and lilting.

“Yourleath-anama? Are you serious?”

Leath-anama. The Reilandish term for soul-halve.

I groaned in response and massaged my brow with my thumb and forefinger, feeling a little helpless and disoriented.

“Like a fucking hole in the head.”

She hummed thoughtfully. “Ya know… I had a feeling.”

“Yes, well… She’s utterly unaffected by me.”

Pomona chuckled as though pleased by my plight. “About time you met a female who was… Shouldn’t she feel it, too, though? You’re absolutely certain she’s yourleath anama?”

“About as certain as I am of my own name… My Knowingness won’t shut up about her, and...,” I gestured helplessly at my diaphragm as though that would clarify things, "Thisthing… It’s relentless and all-consuming. Itburns.”

Pomona’s huffed a laugh. “Sounds vaguely familiar…”

Pomona was one of the few I’d met who had found theirsoulbound.Who just happened to be the Orisha male part of myolana kah’hei,Famei.

“I’m beginning to feel like I’ll lose my mind if I don’t claim her soon.”

Pomona made a gagging sound, feigning disgust at the idea of meclaiming.“Gross… That isnotan image I want in my mind… But that does sound about right… That’s how it was when I tried to deny mine and Famei’s bond.”

“How long you were able to resist it?”

Pomona’s mouth twisted in a wry grin. “Maybe… 12 hours?”

I gave a pitiful chuckle. “I can’t imagine Mareina will give in after only 12 hours.”