And finally, I would liberate my kinsmen and their forced exile. Liberate the Kahlohani Islands of Zurie’s scourge and her mass production and control ofaetra.Outside of its magic-enhancing abilities, I would be more than tempted to eradicate it if it weren’t for its numerous and imperative medicinal uses forwieldersslight in their prowess.

All of Atratus would be free of her oppression. We couldalllive in peace and be allowed to flourish.

It had beenthedream since I was little, and I realized that living in terror, genocide, and impending war wasn’t natural or necessary.

The only hitches in my visions of grandeur were that, according to my visions, war would befall us no matter how I tried to prevent it, and the female sleeping in my guest bedroom was destined to despise me... The last of which I couldn't fucking fathom why.

My skin prickles from the sudden wave of magic as another vision drowns out the present.

Zurie's blood gurgles from her mouth as she's impaled on a sword and lifted over a foot off the ground.

Her words are unintelligible, but I can feel what she's trying to say.

"He will never forgive you."

The vision pans out slightly to reveal that Mareina is the one who has overcome Zurie.

My heart beats furiously in my chest as I watch with held breath.

The vision was ripped away, and I blinked down at the gold and jewels still sitting at my feet.

But... How?

I shake my head in disbelief... Mylohane thili...

Pride and fear, in equal measure, fill my chest.

The vision plagues me for the rest of the evening as I divided the gold and jewels for myolana kah’hei,The Uprising, and what Pomona would distribute later tonight while the heinous Lord’s servants and mine workers slept none-the-wiser and would wake up to a hefty, life-changing sum.

Finally, I allowed myself to sink into my copper bathtub as fleeting images of the premonition returned to me that I promptly rejected by stroking my cock for nearly an hour. The effort proved to do almost nothing to quell theneedfor mypoa haneiburning through my veins like fire.

Even then, I knew that I would accept the fate of that premonition if it meant that I could have her.

She doesn’t even like you…

Was I destined to have a Queen that despised me?

It would be no less than you deserved.

I groaned, battling my warring thoughts.

By the time I crawled into bed, I tossed and turned- my worries alternating between what the future held and Mareina.For Mareina.Mysoulboundwas indeed fierce, but... I would never have fathomed her capable of killing Zurie...

My heart had twisted into some strange, painful knot.

I couldn't tell her this was her destiny, but... I needed to speak with her.

And to further enflame matters, I'd taken so long bathing and working my dick into a chafe that it was now too late to invite Mareina for a cup of herbal tea or something equally innocuous that would give me an excuse to do so.

Even though I'd only known her for mere hours, I knew that mycharm,or even the fact that we weresoulbound, would convince her to stay with me once we reached Vyssini. Every fucking kind word, gesture, or expression of concern was what with cynicism and distrust.

Who had wounded this creature?

My Knowingness had shown me many things - violent things - but it hadn’t given me any discernible details. Instead of giving me answers, it left me with more questions. And fucking anxiety.

I knew what I had to do, especially after seeing that she was how we overcame Zurie.

She'll hate your it,my Knowingness whispered.