I stood, wiping their slobber off my neck and hands, to introduce Mareina. Her deep green eyes widened as Peanut, quite the opposite in size, galloped towards her. On all fours, she was hip height and all muscle, wrinkly skin and floppy ears. And while her parents were former beasts of war - a breed explicitly used to assist soldiers in battle to tear their enemies apart limb from limb- she had a gentle and sweet temperament that could rival any puppy.

Bellona, on the other hand, could be described succinctly astiny but mighty.She was a ferocious little thing with an asymmetrical maw, teeth that jutted out at bizarre angles, and a half-gnawed-off ear. I’d found her in an alley digging for scraps. She’d nearly bit my face off, but… Much like Mareina, I knew I would win her over. All she needed was time and a gentle, loving hand. And I’d always had a soft spot for wounded, vicious things.

My heart just about leapt out of my chest to throw itself at Mareina as she knelt to greet Peanut, wholly appreciative of her kisses and unconcerned with her slobber… And when shesmiled,I knew I’d give my left testicle if it would inspire that smile again.

Bellona approached her warily, stretching her little neck out to sniff her before huffing loudly and turning back towards me.

“Peanut, let her inside. She’s tired,” I called, patting my hip as I turned toward the house. Peanut promptly turned, galloping towards me. Bellona, however, stood her ground at the front door, peering at her through slitted eyes.

“Don’t mind, Bellona. She’s just wary of strangers but is loyal as they come… She’ll warm up to you.”

She stepped inside behind me, eyes lingering on the painting of Kahlohan in battle - the famed warrior and, later, King of the Kahlohani Islands who had led theagriosto victory against the so-calledaxiosso many thousands of years ago.

Agrios. Savage.

Axios. Worthy.

Agrios was a formerly used term thatreferred to anyone who wasn'tfae.

Without his efforts, the fae would have exterminated all others. I wouldn’t be here, Mareina wouldn’t be here…

Being a sanguinati, I could imagine she shared my appreciation.

“A fascinating history he had, no?” She said, her gaze still fixed to the painting. Indeed, he did. It was said that the male had come from nothing. Risen through the ranks, seemingly, out of nowhere to somehow miraculously turn the tides of the war, despite being outnumbered. It was something I could relate to deeply. Except for the winning the war part…

“Inspiring,” I murmured, feeling a familiar stab of pain at the reminder of just how thoroughly we had lost against Zurie and her army. Mareina’s brows furrowed at my sudden change in demeanour but, thankfully, chose not to investigate.

I gave her a tour of my home while she followed me silently, radiating that sentiment of longing. It made me wonder whereshelived. My home wasn’t extravagant by any means, but it was cozy and eclectic and had been built with love by my hands.

She'd come here under the pretence of us sleeping together, but I hadzerointention of following through. The female was already at least mildly averse to me despite my efforts. No matter how much possessiveness I felt towards her, and how much every molecule in my body was burning with desire to fuck her until every male before me was wiped from her mind... I knew that if I gave into this so soon, it would be one less reason for her to stay. I needed to drive her mindless with need for me. What better way to do that but with angst?

Less selfishly and begrudgingly, I could intuitively discern that she would appreciate having the option of her own space… And if I was going to convince her to remain at my side, I would also need to gain her trust…

“The guest bedroom has doors that lead out to the porch if that’ll help you sleep better in a strange home…”

Surprise lit her features, followed by a suspicious dip in her brow, but she said nothing more than, “Thank you… Again… For earlier, and… hosting me for the evening.”

“It was a remarkable thing you did early… If not unforgivably careless for your own life…”

Mareina's gaze dipped to the floor briefly, drawing in a long breath.

I shifted uncomfortably on my feet. On our short journey here, her energy had become increasingly…stressed,and my Knowingness and intuition confirmed it had nothing to do with thefieryevent earlier.

And I felt keenly compelled to fix it. Some innate part of me, though I barely knew her, ached to give her a reason to smile.

Before I could think better of it, I stepped close to her, my eyes searching hers.

“You wanna tell me what’s wrong,lohane thili?”

Lohane thili. Soulbound.

Her expression remained unreadable, though I couldn’t help but notice her delicate throat work on a swallow.

“Even if I did, it would change nothing.”

“You’re certain? Perhaps I can help.”

She hesitated for a moment before breaking my gaze.