Nakoa’s brows leapt. “Fascinating…”

I hadn’t told many people that. Only Malekai and Seline… Unease twisted inside me that I’d revealed it to this stranger.

“And where are they now?”

I shook my head. “My mother left us shortly after I was born- don’t bother asking me where she is because I have no idea- and my father is in the capital. We aren’t close.”

Nakoa frowned, gradually nodding.

“And yours?”

“My mother lives halfway between here and Vyssini. My father died when she was pregnant with me… I have a handful of other relatives in Spriga but… No one that I’m close with… But that unsavory lot over there…” Nakoa nodded in the direction of a group of males, including the one I’d nearly assaulted and one female. “They’re my family more than anyone other than my mother.”

My heart squeezed in time with the twitch of my lips when, as one, their eyes that had been locked on us darted like pinballs in different directions as they tried to feign innocence.

“They seem… rather invested in your personal life.”

He chuckled warmly, affection in his eyes as his gaze lingered on them for a moment longer.

“Yes… We’re all a bit nosy when it comes to one another’s business.”

Guilt twisted in my gut.

This male, however unhinged, would be missed.

I cleared my throat, trying to push the thought away. Nakoa seemed to sense my sudden discomfort and changed the subject.

“What brings you to Ouvelleete?”

He piqued a brow as though encouraging me to elaborate.

“Just travelling back home from visiting the sea…”

His brows leapt at this.

“And you’re… Alone.”

My eyes narrowed again in distrust.

“Yes. And?”

“It’s rather dangerous to travel alone through the wilds?—

I snorted my laughter.

“What?” He pressed, his smile wavering with uncertainty.

I huffed a laugh. My voice turned dramatic with mock innocence.

“It’ssoooodangerous travelling through the wilds, all by my lonesome… Is this where you suggest I spend the evening with you, kind sir? Lest any bandits or other unseemlywielderstake advantage of a lonely maiden traveller?”

Nakoa burst into laughter. The sound gravelly and warm.

“Darling, I’d sooner think you a murderer than a maiden…”

His dark eyes twinkled with mirth as I tried to mask just how right he was.

“If anything, I’d be worried aboutyoutaking advantage of them… But I would be greatly pleased to spend the evening with you. No intimacy expected.”