

The crowd cried their protest as the male, currently staring daggers at me, placed his fiddle in its case, hopped off the stage, and, for some reason, made a beeline straight to me. Something stuttered in my chest as all my senses came alive at the sight of him despite the dull throb in my shoulders. Although the fact he looked furious had my hackles rising.

The male beside me sighed, suddenly looking bored. “Were you trying to make him jealous or something?”

“I beg your pardon?” I reared back indignantly. His attention, however, was focused solely on the male barrelling through the crowd that wordlessly parted for him.

“Apologies, brother- I didn’t realize she was one of yours.”

My jaw clenched painfully as I ground out my response, shoving his shoulder so he would finally acknowledge me.

“Do you have a fucking death wish?”

Calm down. Too obvious. And unwarranted.

The male reared back as he took me in with new eyes.

The performer finally arrived, towering over the both of us. His broad, muscled shoulders took up far more space than he deserved.

“And I have absolutely no idea whothiseven is,” I added, trying to sound a little calmer. And a little more sane.

The performer responded by parting his perfectly formed cupid’s bow lips to reveal a slightly unhinged, though no less dazzling, grin made lopsided by the faint scar that ran through the left side of his upper lip as he took another step towards me. The male looked menacing at worst. Begrudgingly and sinfully handsome at best. And something within me seemed to recognize him.

Perhaps it was one twisted soul recognizing another.

I didn’t like it. It was like looking into a mirror.

And suddenly coming face to face with it was… deeply unsettling.

Like magnetic repulsion.

“Are you sure about that,lohane thili?”

My eyes narrowed to slits. Without conscious thought, my fist found its way to the front of his shirt and tugged his face closer towards me, lest I make a scene by raising my voice to be heard over the crowd.

You are insane. Stop acting like a lunatic. You have a job to do.

While I’d always been prone to losing my temper, never in all my years working for Zurie had I lost my composure so quickly. Especially not when completing one of her tasks.

Instead of being affronted, the male leaned in eagerly, grin widening, revealing his sharp fangs as if to spur me on. And it worked.

“I don’t know what alohane thiliis, but I suggest you show me some respect before I introduce your balls to a dull, jagged blade.”

The male gave an appreciative and thoughtful hum as though I’d said something wildly endearing. His friend’sbrows leapt before swiftly dissolving into the crowd. Wisely leaving the crazy people to their madness.

The performer’s large hand curled over mine, swallowing it whole, and I swear electricity sparked where our skin touched.

“You beautiful, vicious creature… You say that as if it’s a deterrent?”

My lip curled, no longer having the time or energy to invest in this male. I snatched my hand back before turning to stride away.

His hand gripped me around the bicep with firm but surprising gentleness.


I glared at the hand he’d laid on me, my eyes slowly rising to meet his as a low growl escaped me. He released me instantly, raising his hands in surrender. He bowed slightly and slowly stepped backwards to give me my space. As one would a cornered, feral animal.