In the same moment, an entirely new yet inherently familiar scent reached me… Night blooming rose. My nostrils flared as I breathed deeply, trying to detect every note of this salivating scent of citrus.

I continued to play, fervor increasing, as if rising to challenge whoever had seemingly pulled my soul back into its body. A flash of sable hair, olive skin, and a dark emerald dress stirred something inside me, like a great beast awakening for the first time in millennia. My eyes tracked the creature as a predator would its prey. My hunger increased with each passing moment until recognition settled on my chest like a fucking boulder.


No. No. No.

Not her.

Despite the dread of destiny working through my body in painful knots, I found my eyes were securely locked onto the creature, entirely unable to look away. Without thought, I found my song shifting into something seductive and filled with longing. It was a wholly new song, and thanks to the expertise of myolana kah’heithey fell in seamlessly.

My vision flashed in and out of the present like a light flickering on and off until it settled briefly.

The searing pain of a blade dragging across my throat. Blood sprayed across my female’s front. I dropped to one knee, clutching my throat.

I felt a grin twisting across my face and my eyes darkening to black. My words little more than a rasp.

“Look how beautiful you are, covered in my blood.”

The vision was ripped away, replaced by the cosmos blossoming and withering before me… I barely managed to keep the music going and pulled at the only thread tethering me to this world.


The present reality returned. Her body sang harmoniously to the music I was playing but could now only distantly hear. My heart pounded a frantic rhythm as I tried to steady myself.

Was my own soulbound destined to be the end of me?

I’d experienced far worse than a cut throat and survived.

As much as my rational mind repelled me from her… I couldn’t tear my eyes away. I couldn’t sever the cord that I knew tethered my soul to hers. And despite the alarms wailing their warning and that violent premonition, my eyes tracked her like a predator silently stalking its prey.

I held my breath as she moved with a mesmerizing feline grace. As if that thread I pulled to draw myself back to reality had also drawn her towards me, she danced closer and closer to the stage…

Until she stopped short.

In front of Roderick.

One of my brothers - not by blood but by something more - gifted him with a seductive smile through heavy-lidded eyes.

Possessiveness - the type I had never truly experienced until now - burned within me.

Until now, I’d considered myself an incredibly patient and reasonable male. Never the jealous type with previous females. Over the years, I’d managed to hone an unwavering sense of security and strength. Never truly felt attached to anyone or anything, with very little exception: my mother and myolana kah’hei.Many considered me aloof, but I felt that was reductive. The very nature of this realm was change.

And despite my love for my brother, in that moment, I felt rather murderous.

Roderick, of course, looked at her as though he’d just won a lottery. She leaned forward, whispering something in his ear before her lithe body moved closer against him as they began to dancetogether,and his handcaressedthe small of her back. My eyes narrowed, fury burning, as I watched his pinky and ring finger roam lower as though reaching towards her ample backside.

For the first time in more years than I could remember, my bow stuttered against the strings of my instrument, causing it to shriek out an unholynote. My playing stopped abruptly, myolana kah’heihalting their own performance as they threw shocked looks my way that I could only see through my peripheral vision.

My gaze was locked onto this she-devil, who had not even noticed me. How was it possible that she had this effect on me, and yet she hadn’t even batted an eye in my direction. The gods were indeed playing some kind of cruel joke on me.

Finally, her gaze lifted to mine as my eyes bore holes through her. Wary and distrustful, her jaw tightened. She rose defiantly at my glare that a lesser male or female would crumple beneath. And I was blessed in witnessing a flash of the beast awakening within her.

Roderick gave me a strange look, eyes bouncing between us as I addressed the crowd, and he wisely backed away from her.

“I must offer my sincerest apologies for the abrupt ending of our performance, but there is anurgentmatter I must tend to.”
