My smile broke free as a chuckle finally rose and escaped.

“There she is,” Malekai purred, pressing another kiss to the top of my head. I squeezed him in return before finally stepping out of his arms to mount Chihiro, swallowing back my emotion.

I prayed that it wouldn't be too late to make things right by the time I returned.

Malekaiwilledan apple into his hand and gave it to Chihiro, caressing his muzzle.

“See you next week, Kalini.”

“Katadamna kaza,” I promised.

That stunning fucking grin of his lifted, unilateral dimple made a glorious appearance. It alleviated some of the pressure building in my chest with it.

“Katadamna kaza, Mareina.”

Miroslav folded Chihiro and me to an empty road an hour's ride fromOuvelleete’stown center. Far enough away from prying eyes that might recognize him and warn Nakoa that Miroslav had been seen nearby - a dooming foreshadowing if there ever was one.

I swiftlywilleda pretty, off-the-shoulder dress to replace my fighting leathers. It was a dark green corseted dress with a low neckline and billowy long sleeves. One of the only dresses I owned. Not because I didn’t like them. In fact, perhaps because of my profession and the fact I rarely got to wear one, nor had the opportunity to really embrace my feminine side, I relished wearing one.

Thankfully, my face wasn’t widely recognized because it was almost always concealed by the hood of my cape when performing public executions. I deliberately remained in the shadows whenever Zurie made public appearances. On the other hand, Miroslav was always displayed prominently at her side.

“Malekai plays a larger part in all this than you’d imagine,” Miroslav volunteered casually.

His words promptly snapped me out of my thoughts.

“All of… What?”

Miroslav’s gaze shifted to the darkened tree line of the forest.

“The Dancing Dryad is the name of the tavern where he’ll be. Make sure to only drink the vile before you’re going to perform the task. And I’d recommend being somewhere…private.”

Of course, he wasn’t going to answer.But now, just as he’d intended, my mind had something far more worrying to dwell upon.

“What the hells do you have me drinking? I mean, as I’m sure you already know, I have better sense than to murder anyone publicly, but now you’re making me worry.”

Miroslav’s face was utterly impassive.

“I can assure you that you have no reason to be whatsoever… Also, try not to let your temper get the best of you.”

He promptly disappeared before I could get out the words forming on the tip of my tongue.

I grumbled a few curses under my breath before turning to mount Chihiro. My eyes scanned the blazing horizon of the setting sun, illuminating a breathtaking view of the gently rolling hills and surrounding forests that eventually bled into The Sentient Forest.

Why in the hells would he be so insistent about me drinking this potion? And most of all, what the hells did it have to do with me finding myhome.And what inAkash’sname did it have to do with this male, Nakoa Solanis?

Images of what had happened with Malekai began to sneak back to the forefront of my mind.Gods.My core clenched with breath-stealing need.

While I expected nothing less, I wasn’t entirely sure how grateful I was that he had maintained his decency to not let me give into the venom-induced lust… It was the first time that we’d comethatclose… Though it was something that had already occurred countless times within the privacy of my mind.

As it did every time we parted, my heart squeezed with the familiar ache of longing. He would be leaving for Vyssini in a matter of hours, in the early morning hours. I sent a quick prayer toAkashfor his safe and swift return.

Now, so far outside Bastrina where no one would recognize me dressed as a common female and no longer in my fighting leathers, the gazes of many males I passed became leering. After all, a single, unfamiliar female traveller was a rarity. While I wouldn’t instigate anything, I certainly wouldn’t shy away from it. Perhaps it would even enable me to enjoy a second meal in one day. Though, I did have to be mindful to be discreet.

Just at the edge of town, thanks to the music pouring out of the tavern, an old, carved wooden sign with fading and chipped paint that depicted a curvy dryad holding a mug of beer, her hips mid-s sway caught my eye. I squinted, barely making out the name,The Dancing Dryad.Almost illegible and illuminated solely by a dusty, cracked fae light lantern.

After dismounting Chihiro, I tied his reins and one of his feedbags to the railing above the water trough off to the side of the Inn’s tavern.

“I won’t be long, I promise,” I cooed, stroking his cheek and neck. At the sight of his food, Chihiro plunged his face into the bag of goodies Riven had packed for him: apples, carrots, and grains. Boisterous live music poured out from the windows and door of the tavern, along with the amber glow of lanterns. I quickly willed my hair into a loose updo that allowed a few tendrils of my black hair to grace my neck.